Escaping pt.3

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Warning: This chapter will include rape.

I hear Provost call my name. I groggily wake up and see a crow with one gold and one black eye. "He changed himself into a bird?", I mutter. The crow starts tapping at the window. I glare at him. "Idiot, don't do that.", I mutter. "Come on Vic, get up.", I hear Provost say. Foust groans next to me. I look at Foust and watch him get comfortable. "I can't.", I mumble. Provost sighs and starts cawing. "Shut up.", I mutter. Foust soon wakes up. I glare at Provost. Foust looks at Provost and tilts his head. "Why is there a bird so close to the window?", He asks. "Dunno.", I reply, shrugging. He stretches and yawns. "You coming up?", He asks. "No, think I'll stay down here.", I reply. He nods and gets up. "Well, I'll see you in a few hours, night.", he says, going upstairs. "Yeah, night.", I lie. I listen and hear Foust's door close. The house soon falls silent. I get up and walk to the door, terrified of making a noise. "How am I supposed to get the door open if it creaks.", I mutter. The door suddenly creaks open. "Shit.", I mutter as I decide to take the chance and run outside, ignoring my ankle. I hear someone running down the stairs. I see Provost in his bird form. "Took you long enough.", he replies. "Get me out of here.", I angrily say. "Very well.", He replies. Soon an infinity circle appears and I see a huge ghost form of a bird beating its wings. Once it beats its wings we teleport out. I fall onto my sofa. "What the fuck was that?", I ask. "The bird thing?", He asks, changing to his normal form. "Yeah.", I reply. He shrugs and says, "Just an elaborate form of exiting." I nod. "So I guess I deserve a reward.", He replies, getting closer to me. "The only reward your getting is a thanks.", I reply, getting up. He sighs, "Very well then." Provost suddenly grabs my wrist and teleports out. I land on a bed and see I'm back in my deserted home with broken windows and teared-up sheets as well as blood everywhere. I get up when I see he produces a sword of some kind: a white glowing sword, with the hilt being round. I get my wings out when he gets on top of me and punctures a wing. I scream in pain. "Get off!!", I scream. "MM Nah.", he replies, smiling, "Instead I'm going to have my way with you." I stare at him, scared. "Why?", I ask. "Because I want to and it's fun.", he replies. Provost holds my arms up and shackles suddenly appear around my wrists. He runs his fingers to my shoulder all the way through my thigh. After his fingers touch the fabric it starts disappearing. I start squirming. "Let go.", I say and start crying. "Aww don't worry, I'll be quick.", He replies, smiling evilly. He starts removing my undergarments. "No, no no.", I shakily sob out. I try and fail to get out of the bonds. I start flapping my other wing wildly and feathers start to go everywhere. "Aww this is a cute scene.", he replies as positions himself. "Let go!", I sob out. He soon starts his torment of raping me. After a few hours, he lays down next to me, his sword disappearing freeing me from the pain in my wing. He snuggles up to me and falls asleep. I stare at the ceiling and, soon cry myself to sleep.

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