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"Upsie daisy Vic, time for a holiday.", Provost says forcing my wings out. I groan in protest as I'm forced to sit up so I don't crush my wings. I grab Foust's arm as I'm being taken away. He groans. "Get up, I don't want Provost to do anything.", I reply. "Then sit down.", He mumbles. "Easier said than done.", I reply as I teleport into Provost's lap. I glare at him. "Aww you look like you wanna murder me.", he replies. "I do wanna murder you, you asshole.", I spit out. "Welp you can't.", he replies, smiling. "Actually I can, I don't think it matters who wields the scythe does it?", I ask. Foust shrugs. "Don't think so but I'm not ready to go yet so he'll stay alive for a while longer.", He replies, glaring at Provost. "You're lucky that we're all connected.", I grumble. Provost smiles. I sigh and ask, "Well are we going to go?" Foust nods and gets up. I fly out of Provost's arms and land on the ground. I let my wings disappear as Foust goes to get Rebecca. I glare at Provost, who smiles at me. "I would much rather die than him being alive.", I grumble, glaring at him. He floats near me and asks, "Aww why must you be so angry, Vic?" He starts playing with my hair, "We can do something." I brush him off and run downstairs. I spot Foust near the closed door of Rebecca's room. "You told her?", I ask crossing my arms. "She's getting ready.", He replies. I roll my eyes. "Our clothes are going to change so it shouldn't matter.", I grumble. Rebecca comes out and Foust teleports us to the iron age. As normal all of our clothes change. I stare at Rebecca with a "I told you so" face. She rolls her eyes. We walk around and soon find Astrid. "Ah you're here.", she replies smiling. We smile back. "The holiday can be celebrated anytime between the middle of July and the end of August.", Foust answers my unasked question. "Cool.", I mutter. We see people trading goods and other things. "Let's go pick some Bilberries!", Astrid screams. "Ok.", I reply, bored. We walk to the forest with some baskets. I look at Foust, confused. "They're blueberries.", he replies. "Oh.", I reply. For the past hour, we pick Bilberries. We come back and set them down on the wooden table. Also on the table is corn and other grains reaped from the field, as well as a sacrificial bull. "What's this sabbat about?", I hear Rebecca ask. "In Irish mythology, Lugh created Lughnasadh as a funeral feast and athletic competition in honor of his mother 'Tailtiu,' who died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland in preparation for farming.", Foust replies. "Aww that's sweet.", I say. I spot some boys who look like Rebecca's age by the table. They look at us and then start talking to each other. "Please tell me they're not going to do what I think they're going to do?", I mutter. They soon start whacking at each other with sticks. "Oh my god it's just like the Victorian Era where the men would duel for the ladies' hearts.", I grumble as I roll my eyes. "Did a man ever do that with you?", Rebecca asks. I roll my eyes and reply, "All the time, it was so stupid, the butlers would have to break it up and tell them I'm not interested in either of them." "Jeez.", Rebecca says. "Well I'm happy I'm your type then.", Foust mutters as he hugs me. "Yeah if only you were rich then mother would approve of you.", I reply, leaning against him, "At least I didn't marry you in the Victorian time." "I should say thank god that arranged marriages went out of fashion.", He replies. We slowly move away from the two boys and go somewhere else. We see people dancing and a play being acted out. I lay my head down on Foust's arm. "Well I guess we'll go.", He replies. I look at Rebecca and she nods wanting to leave. "Very well let's leave.", I mutter. We teleport out and I jump on my bed. "Fun wasn't it?", Foust asks. "Yeah.", I reply tiredly. "Let's go downstairs and have dinner.", He replies. All of us go downstairs and have dinner. After that, I change and get in bed. "Night Vic.", I hear Foust say tiredly. "Night, love you.", I mutter as I fall asleep.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now