Living Homelessly

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"Ugh, I'm hungry.", I groan as I lift my head up, a small cardboard box appears at my feet. "The weird eye fluffy hair man.", I mutter as I pick up the box and open it. I see a burger inside. "Thank god or whoever you are.", I mutter as I start eating. "Aww you're welcome, Victoria.", I hear a voice say. A man with tan skin and fluffy black and white hair appears he has a gold halo floating on his head. A wooden box appears next to me and he sits on it. I look up at him and roll my eyes. "You're a narcissist, you know that?", I reply. He smiles at me. "Yes I'm aware.", he says. After I'm done eating the box gets set ablaze. "Well that helps with heat.", the thought passes my mind. "So are you going to tell me your name, oh holy one?", I sarcastically ask. " Nah you can continue calling me weird eyed fluffy hair man, I don't mind. ", he replies. "But that's too long, give me a nickname. ", I say. "You can call me holy one then.", he replies.  "Ugh I'm calling you Angel then.", I reply. He shrugs. "Very well. ", he answers. "Come here. ", I reply, patting the ground next to me. He stares at me and then sits down. I put head on his shoulder. "How many days have I been here?", I mutter, "I don't even know how I got here." "Not telling you.", he replies. "Angel please. ", I beg. He sighs, " a few weeks." I stare at him. "I don't remember that.", I reply. He looks at me and smiles. " You don't remember anything do you?", he asks. I shake my head. "Don't worry your husband should be looking for you soon.", he replies. "My husband? I'm married?", I ask. He smiles slyly and doesn't say anything. We soon see a tall man running towards us and screaming my name. I tilt my head. He has straight hair that flares out. It's black with white streaks in the middle and a white bang on his right side of his face. But what's really out of the ordinary is that he has a black halo floating on top of his head as well as pointed ears. "Thank god I found you.", he replies as he gets down on his knees and hugs me. I glance at Angel, who shrugs. " Let's get going, Vic.", he replies. I stare at him confused. I see his face going from relief to a look of worry. "What the fuck, Provost?", he replies. " Provost? Who's Provost?", I ask. The man sighs. "You're going to find this crazy, Victoria, I'm your husband and your family is worried sick, let's get going please. ", he replies. " Husband? I'm not married.", I reply. "Yes you are, your memories have been wiped.", he replies. "Actually not really wiped more like suppressed.", Angel replies, getting up. The man glares at Angel. "You're not going to hurt him are you?", I ask, worried. "No, I won't, my dear wife.", the man replies. He picks me up bridal style. I look at him, scared. " I'm not going to hurt you.", he replies. "Don't most people say that then they hurt them?", I ask. "Well I'm being truthful.", he replies. "What's your name?", I ask. " Foust.", he answers. I nod. He looks at me for my reaction, then sighs,"I hope he brings your memories back." After a few minutes Foust walks up to a two-story house. I stare at it. I feel eyes on me. I look up at Foust, who watches me for my reaction. "Nope don't remember it. ", I reply.
He sighs and rings the doorbell. A guy in his early 20s with brown hair and eyes looks at us. " Vic, you're back.", he sighs, relieved. I tilt my head, confused. "That's your brother, Oliver.", Foust answers my unasked question. "What happened?", the man now known as Oliver asks. "She has amnesia.", Foust replies. "Oh poor Vic.", Oliver says, sadly. Foust walks in and sets me down on the couch in the living room. " I'll be back.", he replies. "Wait if you say that we're married, shouldn't you have a photo album of the wedding day?", I ask. He sighs, sadly, "We don't, the wedding planning went by way too fast and it was rushed, from the time I proposed to the day of the wedding it took place in a span of nine days." "Nine days? That's not enough time. Who pushed it?", I ask. "Your mom did.", he replies. He walks away to find the marriage certificate. "Then when did I meet him?", I mutter. A girl with black straight hair, grey eyes and glasses walks by. She stares at me. I glance at her and continue listening to Angel. "Back when you were in the Victorian era, your family was killed by vampires, you're the only survivor.", Angel replies as he sits next to me. "Oh, that sucks.", I sigh. "Wait in the Victorian era? What year is this?", I ask, trying to make sense of everything. "Twenty-twenty two.", Angel replies. "Time travel?", I mutter. "Yes, both Foust and I are time travlers.", he replies. I soon hear Foust walk out of a room with a small folder. He takes the paper out and shows it to me. "So your last name is Holmes now?", I ask as I stare at the piece of paper. "Yes, I think your mom took back her last name because your dad's last name is Barker.", he replies. I stare at him confused. "How do you know that?", I ask. He goes upstairs and in a few minutes comes back down with an army jacket and dogtag on top. The jacket just looks like a plain camo jacket. I look at the dogtag and see the name "Charles Barker " written on it along with his age, height and other identifying details. "So what war did he fight in?", I ask. "World War Two", Foust replies. I nod. "This is insane.", I mutter. "It must be a lot to take in.", Foust says. "It is.", I reply. " I have something on my back don't I?", I ask. Foust nods. "It's a slave brand. When you time travled back to my childhood, it's one of the symbols of the Vatikkan empire. My father was the one who branded you, he's dead now luckily.", he replies. "Oh, so if stuff happens to me in that time period, I still get them in this time period like a black eye? ", I ask. Foust nods and sighs, "I remember when you time travled back here after you time travled to my childhood, you had a black eye, I really wanted to go back there and kill him but I remembered that my brother killed him years ago." I nod. "Let's go you're hungry right?", he asks. I nod. He holds his hand out and I take it. We both walk to the dinning room and eat, after that I get ready for bed, we walk to the bed room, "So, what about your last name? It didn't show it on the marriage certificate.", I ask. "Not telling, I hate my last name, Provost made a changed to where I didn't have to put my last name, So you my dear will not know it until we are both on our deathbeds.", he replies. I glare at him. " Provost can tell me.", I state. "I'll be kind this time and I won't tell you, Vic.", Provost replies, appearing next to me. I growl, " So you now take his side, Provost?" He smiles at me. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Fine don't tell me.", I grumble as I get in bed. I fall sleep.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now