Age of Enlightenment Pt.2

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Foust replies, "Well in this time period lots of stuff happened. This is before the industrial revolution. "  I say, "Examples please." He replies, "well you have the treaty of Paris." I nod and say, "oh ok." I ask, "Isn't this also the age of enlightenment period?" Provost replies, "yes it is." Soon Rebbeca stops and looks at me smiling as she does. I glare and ask, "what are you up to?" She giggles and says, "Nothing, can I take a picture of you two?" I reply making the scythe appear in my hand, "You want to be buried six feet under cause that's what I'm about to do to you."  She puts her hands up in defense and says, "ok, ok Vic I'm sorry."  I cross my arms and huff. Foust speaks, "You know its fine Vic." I reply, "Just stop, please, cause I already know that you have no idea what she's talking about, am I right?" He nods and says, "yes, you're right."  I rub my temple annoyed at both of them. I say, "Can we please try to have a nice adventure without getting romance involved please?" Rebecca shakes her head and says, "Nope we can't."  I sarcastically reply, "great, thanks, Rebecca." She smiles and says, "you're welcome."  Suddenly a cat pops up out of nowhere and is thrown in my arms. I look at the cat and ask, "Artemis, how did you get here?"  Artemis replies, "Ask your friend he was the one who sent me here and threw me at you." I see provost waving at me with a smile on his face.  "Provy, you fucking asshole.," I mutter. He disappears and reappears beside me. He says, "I just thought you missed Artemis so I brought him to you." I glare and say, "I don't want him here."  He shrugs and replies, "oh well you'll have to deal with him now." I sigh, "well now I'll have to deal with him." I mutter to myself. Artemis gets on my shoulder "I'll be here until we get home." He replies. I roll my eyes. I see Rebecca start taking pictures. I cock my head to side and whisper, "Aren't those going to deleted after we get home?" Provost says, "yes after we get home everything from this time period will be wiped from her phone." "lovely." I sarcastically reply.  I let the scythe disappear from my grasp, Foust asks, "how about we sneak into a building and see what going on shall we?" I look at him weird and reply, "So you want us to break into a building just so we can hear some people talking about The Declaration of Independence and Constitution?" He shrugs and says, "I don't see why not."  I reply, "I swear you are worse than provost." He starts walking away, Rebecca and I follow.  We reach a courthouse of some sort and we find a backdoor and quietly walk in. We find seats in the far back, people are in front so nobody can even see us. Rebecca says, "well now we can historically fact check our history teacher." I nod.  Soon it gets borning with them speaking of politics. I fall asleep to their voices. 

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