Having to deal with Oliver Pt.2

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"Oh, Vic wake up." I hear Foust whisper. I groan and reply, "No, let me sleep besides, shouldn't you be more tired than me since you're the one who can time travel? Also, you're older than me so you definitely should be more tired than me." I look at him and see him staring at me bewildered. "ha I have made a point so let's sleep.", I say as I get in his arms. "Vic.," He replies as he puts his arms around me. "What?," I annoyingly ask. "I love you.," he replies as he smiles at me. "Aww, I love you too.," I say as I snuggle in his arms. Artemis gets up from my pillow and says, "Ahem, aren't you going to cuddle me, Vic?" I look up at him and reply, "uhh I thought you were fine with my pillow?" "Well, now I'm not." He spits out jealously. "Uuu someone jealous.," I say as I smile and turn around. Artemis walks from the pillow to my side. I pick him up and start to cuddle him. He starts purring. I get up with Artemis in my arms. I nudge Rebecca with my foot, "What?" She tiredly responds. I crouch down and say, "Here's Artemis snuggle with him." "Why?" She tiredly asks as she takes the cat from me. I reply, "Because he's becoming jealous." "Ok." She tiredly says as she snuggles with him, she goes back to sleep. I walk back to the bed where I see Foust already out of bed. I glare at him. I get back in bed and ask, "Um why are you out of bed?" He tilts his head to the side and replies, "Well you got out of bed so I thought we were getting up." I shake my head and reply, "No I was giving Artemis to Rebecca so come back to bed." He says, "Well, I need to go to the bathroom so I'll be back." He leaves. A few minutes pass and Foust still hasn't come back. "Are you kidding me? Ugh, why is Oliver my brother?," I mutter as I get up and summon stardust. I go to the bathroom door and try to open it. "Of course locked.", I mutter, "Provost." I hear the door unlock. I open the door and see Foust in the bathtub corned by Oliver. I sigh and shout, "OLIVER!!!" He looks at me and backs away from Foust. I glare at him. Foust gets out of the bathtub, flushes the toilet, washes his hands and walks behind me. "You don't lock the door when you use the restroom?" I mutter. Foust replies, "Well I didn't think I would have to lock the door sorry." I sigh and ask, "Oliver, you know you have a boyfriend right?" He nods fearfully. "Then why the hell do you keep on going after my husband?" I reply angrily. He stays silent. I sigh and reply, "Why? What did I do to deserve this?" Provost appears and says, "Everything, you did everything, Vic." I roll my eyes. I let stardust disappear from my hand. I walk back to my room with Foust. Something falls in front of me, I grab it before it falls to the ground. "A pop tart lovely.," I mutter as I start eating. I get in bed and get my laptop out. I start on my assignments. Foust gets in bed next to me and falls asleep. For the rest of the day, I work on my assignments. Provost hands me a plate full of food. I start eating and I finish my assignments. I stretch and turn in my math assignment. I shut off my laptop and put it away. I snuggle in bed. "I love you,foust goodnight.", I whisper. I close my eyes and go to sleep too tired to hear him.

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