Meeting Foust's friends and Provost's enemies

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Disclaimer: I don't own Castiel, Nova, and Ephron. They belong to FiishFinity

I hear the front doorbell go off and Provost starts cursing to himself. "Foust get up.", Provost demands. Foust groans in reply. "Come on Mr. immortality obsessed person get up.", Provost nags as he sits up. I wake up and glare at Provost. "Good morning Vic, I would advise you to not go downstairs unless you want to be held at gunpoint.", Provost states. "Uh ok then.", I reply. "Why?", Rebecca asks. "Mmm let's just say those people at the door are not very friendly.", Provost replies. The doorbell rings again. "Correction they're not friendly to you since you destroyed one of their universes.", Foust states as he sits up. "Pfft oh please I destroyed mine as well he shouldn't be so salty about it.", Provost replies. "Wait so how did ya'll get into space?", I ask. "I don't remember.", Foust replies as he gets out of bed. "The security system on the ship halfway sucks.", Provost replies as he puts me in his lap, "I was there for two hours until it detected me, I didn't know what the sound was until they started shooting at me." "Well, that's what we were working on before I left.", Foust states as he glares at Provost. "Wait I thought you were working on weapons, what?", I ask. "The security system was a side project, we were mainly focusing on weapons and decided to add a security system to the ship.", Foust answers. "And it's still not done.", Provost adds. "Well the ship is pretty old so...", Foust trials off. Provost rolls his eyes. He lays back down and pulls me down with him. "You can go downstairs while I'll cuddle with Vic.", Provost smirks as he starts running his fingers through my hair. I get out of Provost's arms and glare at him. "I'll stay here but I'm not cuddling with you, Provost.", I angrily state. "But Vic I'm hurt please.", Provost begs. "No, also Rebecca please get my laptop from the dining room. I'll work on schoolwork while Foust is downstairs.", I reply. She nods and gets up. Foust hugs me and sighs, "Hopefully I can convince them to let me stay here." He goes downstairs. A few minutes pass with no show of Rebecca. "Really? Guess I'll have to go downstairs myself.", I sigh. I get up and Provost grabs my arm. "Do not go down there unless you want to be shot at, Vic.", Provost states. "Well will you give me my laptop then?", I ask. He shakes his head and replies, "I can't, they might suspect something if the laptop suddenly goes missing." I sigh, "Guess I'll have to go get it myself." I go downstairs when I'm suddenly teleported into Foust's lap. The other people look at me startled and jump to their feet. "Wait don't you dare reach for your weapons.", Foust states. "Uh, and why is that? She could be working for him." The woman states. "She's not, she hates him too and she's also my wife so if I were you I would put your weapons away and sit back down.", Foust replies glaring at them. They soon sit back down. "Oh so you got married while you were away, good for you.", A man with tan-colored skin, long black and white hair states. "Yes I did, it was a lovely wedding.", Foust smiles. I tug on Rebecca's shirt and whisper, "Why didn't you come back upstairs?" "I'm sorry I got a little too excited.", Rebecca whispers back. "So why does she look like Provost?", The woman asks. "I have no idea, Nova.", Foust replies, "Oh by the way Vic this Castiel, Nova, and Ephron." "Oh so the one who I was talking to was Ephron.", I state. Castiel and Nova stare at Ephron. He shifts in his seat, nervously. "A random person that looks like Provost comes in and you don't tell us? What the hell, Ephron?", Castiel asks. "I would've came and saved her so I have to thank you, Ephron. She may look like Provost but she doesn't share his personality.", Foust explains. "And how do you know that?", Nova asks as she eyes me. "Because I met her before she looked like this and her personality is the same.", Foust replies. "So she wasn't born like this?", Ephron asks. Foust shakes his head. "No she wasn't, she had brown eyes and she didn't have a halo.", Foust replies. "Hmm so is Provost here?", Castiel asks. "Ye-no.", Rebecca replies. I glance at her as she speaks again, "Y-no." She starts getting frustrated. "No he's not here.", I reply. Castiel nods and asks, "Anyway, Foust are you going to be joining us?" "And work on weapons? While being away from my wife? No thank you. I did that once and it was terrible, I'll be staying here.", Foust replies. Provost soon comes downstairs in his cat form. He starts meowing and rubbing against everyone's legs. Ephron picks him up. "Awww what a cute cat. What's its name?", He asks. Rebecca goes to speak "Pr-" I interrupt, "Fluffy, his name is fluffy." "Well the name suits him perfectly.", He replies as he puts Provost on his lap and starts petting him. "Well, it's getting late. I guess we won't have our physicist come back.", Castiel sighs. "Were we really talking that long? Wow.", I reply. Castiel pets my head and says, "Time is relative, my dear girl. Now I guess we'll be going." I stare at him strangely as Ephron and Nova follow him. We wave as they leave and shut the door behind us. "I'm tired.", I sigh, "And hungry." "They talked all day we couldn't even eat.", Rebecca replies. "Let's go eat some cereal and go to bed.", I state. Rebecca and Foust nod. After we eat, we go up to my room. "Thank goodness they didn't find me.", Provost sighs in relief as he changes back to his normal form. "I wish they did.", Rebecca mutters. "Let's just go to bed.", I reply before a fight breaks out. Everyone exchanges their goodnights. I go to bed with Foust and Provost cuddling me.

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