Wrong place, Wrong time pt.5

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"Viccc, wake up.", I hear Provost say. I groan. I feel a cat's tongue start licking me. I wake up and sigh when I see I'm back in Vladimir's bedroom, "What the fuck why am I back?" "Because Vladimir missed you and you need to get branded.", He replies smiling. "Wait what? Who said anything about me getting branded?", I ask. "Vladimir did when those guys came by.", He replies. I glare at him. Vladimir appears in the doorway. He smiles at me. "Hello, little prey.", he says, " shall we go?" "Go where?", I ask. " Outside for you to get branded.", he answers. "I don't want to be branded.", I angrily reply, " you said we'll see, that also means I don't have to get branded." "Must you argue, little prey?", He asks. "Yes I must because I don't want to be branded.", I reply. He sighs and walks toward me. I lift my foot up to kick him. He doges and appears on the side of me, grabbing both of my hands and lifting them above my head. I glare at him. "I don't want to be branded.", I reply angrily. "I heard you the first two times and I'm sorry but you're my property so I have to.", He says, as he starts tieing my wrists. "Who said that I was your property?", I ask fidgeting with the bonds. He glares at me. "I had you first so you're mine, also...", he lifts the bonds up and stares at me, "this is just a safety measure so if you were to escape or get captured you can be bought back to me because of the slave brand." He carries me bridal style, downstairs and outside into the barn. I shiver when the cold meets my skin. "Please don't.", I whimper. He sets me down, turns me around so my back is to him, and sticks a stake through my bonds into the wooden pole. I start tugging trying to get it loose with no such luck. In a blink of an eye, I'm shirtless. " V-Vladimir.", I start shivering from the cold. "I'll try to be fast, little prey.", he replies as he gets my bra off and moves my hair. I soon hear him picking something up and the next thing I know I feel scorching pain on my back to where the hot branding iron meets my skin. I scream in agony. What seems like forever but only lasts a few minutes, it comes off. Vladimir then cuts the rope and my knees give away. I fall to the ground with tears in my eyes. "It's going to be on there forever now.", I mutter to myself breathing heavily. "That's the point, little prey.", Vladimir says as he puts a cold wet towel on my skin. I yelp in pain, "Cold, cold really cold!" The burning soon subsides. I look at the plate and see it's an outline of a wing. "What the hell is that supposed to be?", I ask. "A one winged eagle.", Vladimir replies. I soon see the outline of the bird. "Oh.", I mumble. Vladimir picks me up, puts a towel around me, and walks back to the house. Once inside, he sets me down on the couch and goes off somewhere. I touch my back and feel the outline of the wing. I sigh, " Hopefully he won't do the other side." "He can't he only has that one .", Provost replies, jumping on the couch, "Now those people at the party can't take you, since you belong to him." A button down shirt appears on me."Well I do end up marrying his son, so I guess it's fitting.", I mutter. " Yeah, weird how fate works.", Provost replies. "I don't think its fate.", I reply, " he just happened to time travel as I escaped, so it's just a coincidence." "Could be right. ", he replies.  I roll my eyes. Foust appears and sits next to me. "I'm sorry.", He mutters. I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. "Thank god you're a kid so I can do this.", I mutter.  He lays his head on top of mine. I ignore the tickling inside of me. I soon fall asleep. 

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