Provost gets hurt

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I feel someone shaking me. I groan in annoyance. "Excuse me but who are you and why are you in Foust's bed? " I hear the voice of a male ask. I wake up and quickly back up. The guy has short black hair thats flared out (basically Foust's hair just shorter). He's holding what seems to be a huge wrench. I summon stardust, ready to protect myself. "Is that Foust's scythe? Where did you get that?", the guy asks curiously. "None of your business.", I reply. "Actually it is my business since you were the one who came on this ship by the way how did you even get here?", the guy asks. I look around and see the rooms been clean. " What happened to all of the papers that were here before? ", I ask. He tilts his head to the side. " This is Foust's room right? ", I ask.  He nods and replies, "Yes, it is. " "Ok so what happened to all of his papers that were filled with equations? ", I ask. " We threw them out, since he left we found that we didn't have use for most of them except for the weapons, his papers on immortality got thrown away. ", the guy replies. I soon hear an alarm go off. "He's here? That asshole came here? ", I hear the guy muttering to himself as he runs out of the room. I decided to stay in the room while I hear fighting go on. " I'm pretty sure Provy will be hurt.", I sigh in annoyance. I'm soon teleported out of the room and stand on the road leading to my house. Suddenly I feel someone put their arm on my shoulder. I turn around and see Provost panting heavily, he falls to his knees. I stare at him. "So.... ", I trail off. " Really? I'm hurt and that's all you have to say? ", Provost replies as he gets up, " Help me up, Vic. " I grab his arm and put it around my shoulder. "This isn't going to work, quite floating. " I reply as I see that he's floating a few inches above the ground, "this defeats the purpose of me trying to carry you." He suddenly becomes heavier. I put my arm around his waist, grab his wrist and we walk home. "So what were you doing on the ship? ", I ask. " Dunno maybe to spy on them or something." Provost replies. I roll my eyes as we walk up the porch. I ring the doorbell and Oliver opens it. "Who's that?", Oliver asks. "This is Provost.", I reply. "Ah so he's the one whose been tormenting you.", Oliver states. I nod. Oliver moves out the way and I bring Provost to the couch. Foust runs down the stairs and hugs me. "Oh thank god you're ok I thought you were in trouble, Vic.", Foust replies. "I'll be fine thanks for your concern, Foust.", Provost says annoyed. I pet Provost's head, he purrs in return. "So what happened?", Foust asks. Provost doesn't say anything and continues purring loudly. Oliver stares at us weirdly and asks, "Why is Provost purring?" "I don't know apparently genetically modified vampires purr.", I reply as I recall Foust purring a couple of times.  Foust takes my hand and asks again, "What happened on that ship, Provost?"  Provost glares at Foust and spits back, "None of your business anywho.." Provost trails off as yanks on my arm.  I slip from Foust's grip after that Provost pulls me on top of him, he wraps his arms around my waist and puts a blanket over us. I look at Foust whose staring at Provost. Provost soon passes out. Foust looks at me. I lay my head down on Provost's chest and stare at Foust who's starting to get jealous. "I can't do anything, Foust.", I reply. "You can use your wings to get out of his grip.", Foust states. "No I can't he's got a pretty tight hold on me.", I reply.  He crosses his arms not believing me. I sigh and get my wings out, I beat my wings in the air as I try to get out of Provost's hold, Provost's grips tightens and soon my wings disappear. "And where do you think you're going, Vic?" Provost asks. "To cuddle with Foust.", I reply. "Ugh, fine we'll move to the bedroom.", he says not wanting to move from the couch. We soon teleport to the bedroom and Provost fixes the blanket again. He rolls to the side and places me in the middle of the bed, he goes back to sleep holding me. Foust soon appears and gets on the other side of the bed. "You're lucky you're hurt, Provost.", Foust replies as he crawls into bed. "I have a feeling your friends are going to be coming soon.", I say tiredly. He sighs and replies, "I'll deal with them, Provost probably won't be appearing around them." I nod soon getting very tired. I go to sleep.           

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