The Ball

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I soon hear a knock on my door. "Come in!", I shout. One of my sisters comes in. "I hope you can find yourself a husband tonight.," she says as she walks in. "Hello to you too, Jane.", I reply not looking up from my book, "Why have you come?" "To set you straight as to why you need to get married, mum's been complaining about you again.", she replies. I sigh. "Honestly can't she leave me alone?", I ask. "I'm afraid not. She wants all of her daughters to get married you know that.", Jane sighs. I set my book down and roll my eyes. "Ah yes because heaven forbids us that we don't follow social norms.", I sarcastically say. Jane rolls her eyes and replies, "I'll let Anna know that you're ready to get dress." I nod and Jane leaves. I stare at Provost next to me. "He needs to leave.", I mutter. I soon hear another knock on the door. "Come in!", I yell. Anna lets herself in holding a dress. I stare at the yellow dress in her hands. "Um was that dress yellow before?", I ask. She looks at the dress "Yes; Why? Do you want a different color?", she asks. "No, it's fine.", I reply shaking my head. She nods and helps me get dressed. "Ugh, this dress is too frilly.", I mutter, "it also itches." I start scratching my arm. "Well, lace will do that, Miss. Victoria.", Anna replies. Once I'm dressed I walk out and look over the railing. I feel someone poking my halo. "Of course the halo is back.", I angrily mutter to myself. "Uhh, Victoria what's with the halo?" another one of my sisters whose name is Agatha asks. I roll my eyes and reply, "Its nothing." I soon see a black halo floating between the masses of people. "He's here?", I say out loud. "Who's here, Vic?", Agatha asks. I ignore her and run down the stairs lifting up my dress so I can get down the stairs faster. I go into the crowd ignoring people as I push past them. Someone grabs my arm and I hear the voice of James Smith talking. I get out of his grip and stare at him. "Oh pardon me Miss Holmes I just wanted to know if you would like to dance?", Mr.smith asks with his hand extended. "No thank you I'm trying to look for someone pardon me. Also have you not heard of Ballroom etiquette. ",I irritatingly grumbled. I walk away from him before he has a chance to say anything and continue my search. I yelp when I feel a hand on my waist. "It's me Vic.", I hear Foust's voice say. I turn around and hug him, "I missed you.", I reply . "I missed you too probably more then you missed me.",Foust states. I let go of him and roll my eyes. "Oh please, I missed you way more then you missed me.", I state. "Alright, Vic alright.", He replies holding his hands up in defense. "So how's everything at home?" I ask. "It's terrible without you there, your mom's worried and I've nearly killed snowflake five times." Foust replies. "So what made you stop from killing him?," I ask. "I have no idea." He replies. "I've only been gone for a day, how can you miss me that much?" I ask. "I love you that's how." Foust replies. I hear the voice of grandma loudly say, "Excuse me." I roll my eyes. "Aww, you found him well come follow me both of you." Grandma urges. We follow her to the parlor. "I'll close the door to make sure no disturbes you two." Grandma adds. She walks out and closes the door behind her. "Do you think you can spend a night here tonight?" I ask. Foust shakes his head. "I don't think so, I also don't think I can take you with me." he replies. "So I have to wait until Provost decides to bring me back?" I ask. He nods. "Great.", I sarcastically say while rolling my eyes. I soon hear Provost scratching the door. "Speak of the devil.," I mutter. I get up and open the door, Provost walks in and jumps on Foust's lap. I close the door and look at Provost. "So when can I go back?",I ask as I look at Provost who's having the time of his life sitting on Foust's lap and getting petted by him. "When I say so, also who said that you might be going home you might go back somewhere else instead." He replies. "So you're going to bring me to Foust's past?" I ask. "No, no, no. You go there too much. I miss you, I don't want to wait another day." Foust replies as he stops petting Provost. "On the contrary, she only went there three times." Provost states, "I'll see, keep petting me that'll determine if I bring her to your past or not." "How about I choke you instead, Provost." Foust replies. "Then I'll really bring her to your past." Provost says. "Wow, he's got this whole thing figured out.", I laugh as Foust goes back to petting Provost. "So do you want to waltz before you have to leave?" I ask. "Sure the ball's going to end soon.", Foust states. I nod. Foust moves Provost and gets up. I open the door and we walk out and go the ballroom. We dance for the remainder of the ball. I soon see some people leaving. I step away and smile sadly. "Well looks like you'll have to go." I say. "Yes that seems to be the case." Foust replies. "Well, I'll hopefully see you soon." I say. "Hopefully." Foust replies. He leaves. I sigh and yell, "ANNA!!! COME HELP ME GET THIS DRESS OFF!!!" I go upstiars to my room and wait for Anna to come. I wait a few minutes and see that my halo has disappeared. Anna comes in and helps me get out of my dress and into a white nightgown. As she's taking my shoes off she asks, "Who was that man that was with you, that certainaly wasn't Mr.Smith." I sigh and reply, "I wish to not talk about it, I'm very tired and want to go to bed." "Very well Miss. Victoria .", She replies as she gets up and puts my shoes in the closet. Provost jumps in bed and curls into a ball. "Well good night." Anna says as she blows the candle out. "Good night, Anna." I say as I get comfortable. She leaves and closes the door behind her. I fall asleep.

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