The dark ages

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Soon we're standing on a cobblestone street ground. "uuu that was fun." I say. He ask, "time traveling? Yes it is quite fun."  I look around and all I see is little cottages near each other. We walk some until I gasp at what I see; In front of me a body of a man is hanging from a long stick the man has only a rag on to cover his bottom half.  Foust looks at the body sadly. I say, "why don't we take it down and bury it?" He nods and says, "We can at least do that for the person."  I nod and start running to find a ladder so I can get on top of the house. Foust shouts, "WAIT!!WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!!" I scream back, "GETTING A LADDER! BE RIGHT BACK!" I find a ladder and carry it to the back of the house. I start climbing the ladder and soon I'm on top of the house.  I look at foust and say, "throw me your scythe." His scythe appears and he throws it at me. Someone moves me out the way and the blade misses me by an inch. I hear Provost say, "Really Victoria he could've killed you."  I say, "well thank you for saving me and I'm sure it was an accident."  He retrieves the scythe and it changes color from black to gold. He hands me the scythe and it goes back to black. I touch his hair and whisper, "fluffy."  He rolls his eyes. I carefully get off the house and get on the wooden beam.  I walk to where I can get closer to the guy. I crouch down when suddenly I misplace my footing and fall. I quickly grab the wooden beam.  I look up and provost is sitting on top of the house. I say, "hold on if you could touch foust's scythe you should be the one to cut the body down." Provost says, "I'm not the one who came up with the idea therefor I'm not doing it." I glare at him and say, "asshole."  I hear the wooden beam start breaking. "oh you've got to be kidding me now really?"  I quickly cut the ropes and the guys body is halfway hanging.  "shit I can't cut the other side unless...." I trail off. Provost says, "you can make the scythe bigger if you want to." I say, "great now you tell me." The scythe becomes longer and I move my clammy hand to where  I can cut the rest of the ropes. I do and let go. Foust catches the body, quickly sets him down and then catches me. I cling on to his body for dear life. Foust asks, "Are you alright?" I stutter out, "y-yeah I'm f-fine."  He says, "you know you could've told me you were afraid I would've done it." I reply, "No I wanted to. Can we bury the body now?"  Foust nods and sets me down. I stand up and try to walk. Foust says, "lean against a wall I'll go and bury the body, I shall see you soon." I walk to where a wall is and sit down on the ground, I lean on it and sigh. "So much has happend in so little time." I whisper to myself. I see a little boy peeking  from the other side of the wall.  He comes out and walks up to me.  The boy is white with blue eyes and brown shaggy hair, he's  wearing brown stockings and a brown tunic.  He hugs me and says, "Thank you for taking down the body and burying him." I reluctantly hug him back and ask, "Was that someone you knew?" The boy says, "That was my father, the king, King Alex order his men to kill him and hang him up." I say, "Wow what a horrible king." He nods. I ask, "so is your mother alive?" The boy shakes his head and says, "No she died a month ago from a disease."  I say, "I'm so sorry who are you staying with?" The boy says, "My friends family, They can house both of you too if you need a place to stay." Foust comes back and looks at the boy. He says, "I'm so sorry for what happend, what's your name?"  The boy says, "My names Berkeley, it's nice to meet you."  Foust says, "pleasure to meet you too my names Foust and this is Victoria."  I say, "let's get going it's getting cold. And before you ask foust no I'm not taking you're coat."  Foust stops mid way from taking his coat off and puts it back on.  We follow Berkeley to a cottage house and walk inside.  We see a brown haired lady and she says, "Berkeley there you are." She looks at us and says, "I see you made some friends."  Berkeley nods and says, "yep the guy's name is Foust and the girl's name is Victoria."  The woman says, "my names Aldith, Aldith Rolfe. Its nice to meet you."  We nod.  She says, "I'm cooking some pottage, so sit down all of you." We sit down. Soon we are served and we eat, No body says anything while we're eating. After our meal I ask, "So do people like king alex here?" Aldith says, "A few people, mostly people with higher status like him, we're just too afraid to overthrow him."  Foust nods and says, "that's understandable."  She nods and says, "well let's all go to bed." I yawn in reply and say, "ok goodnight thank you so much for the food." I get up and walk into a bedroom that Aldith points out to me. I thank her and walk in my room. As soon as head hits the pillow I fall asleep quickly. Provost appears in my dreams and says, "You should kill king Alex I'll give you the power to do that." I nod and say, "well the king is evil but who will rule after him?" Provost says, "there's a son who's very nice, he can take over. He's also of age."  I look uncertain at him and say, "are you sure that this is the right thing to do,provost?" Provost frowns and says, "fine I'll do it myself." Suddenly I feel myself waking up. I look at myself in the mirror before walking off. My right eye is black and my left eye is gold.  I go in the kitchen and get a kitchen knife, I walk out without waking up anybody in the house. I walk to the palace and wings soon appear behind my back, I use them to get over the gate. After that I open a window to the kings bedroom. I walk to where  king Alex  is sleeping. I start crying and whispering for provost to stop. Whispering because provost can control me therefore can control my body. I take the knife and slit king Alex's throat open. His mouth opens and he grips my arm. I don't stop until there's blood coming out of his neck. I drop the knife and after that I quickly run out of the palace. I see foust waiting by the gate. I shout, "FOUST, GET US OUT OF HERE!!!" He nods and takes his scythe black lines appear around him, soon white appears on the scythe and starts swirling on the blade an infinity symbol appears on the floor as this is happening  I ask, "wait how did you know I was here?" Foust shrugs and says, "A potential guess?"He grabs me and we're off through time. 

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