Going back home

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I wake up to provost poking my face.  I sit up and stretch. I say, "Really provost you know you could've touched the halo but its whatever."  Foust is by the door however he has my brothers robe on. I look at him strangely and say, "uhhhhh what the hell?" He says, "I got up last night and put my clothes on to wash they should be dry by now. " "Oh ok," I reply still looking at him weirdly. I say, "Well you better hurry before mom starts attacking you; Since she already doesn't like you."  He nods and walks away. I walk out and see him putting on his coat. I say, "Well that was fast." He shrugs and says, "Do you want to bring Rebecca along this time?"   I nod and say, "Ok, hopefully, we can get to Rome this time."  He nods and says, "Hopefully." I text Rebbeca and a few minutes later hear the doorbell ring. "Well, that was fast," I whisper to myself.  I walk downstairs and open the door to a very eccentric Rebecca.  She hugs me and starts squeezing me to death. "Reb..cca can't breathe.," I say. She lets go. I go back upstairs and get dressed, then do my morning routine. I go back down the stairs. Rebecca says, " I can't wait to start time traveling with you guys." I smile and say, "Yeah it'll be fun."  Foust does his little procedure. I say, "You know there has to be an easier way to travel through time." He nods as he takes both of our hands, We land on the ground. I say, "So then why don't we do that?" He smiles and says, "I like doing it; it's kinda fun for me."  I say, "It's more work for you but its whatever."  My watch starts floating I take it in my hand and look at it; Both of the hands point to 1839.  I say, "Foust, do you know what time period this is?" He nods and says, "Eighteen thirty ni-oh fuck."  I glare at him and say, "You jerk I told you I didn't want to go here."  He sighs and says, "I know, I know however we were going to come here eventually." I laugh and say, "Yeah right you can go here without me."  Rebecca says, "Both of you stop fighting and tell me what the hell is going on?" I look at her then look back at foust.  Foust says, "I should've listened I'm sorry, I didn't know it would bring back bad memories. I'm sorry, Victoria."  I laugh and say, "Oh you didn't know it would bring back bad memories, ha funny tell me something foust, if you saw your whole family slaughtered you think that would jump to long term memory right?" He replies, "I said I was sorry, Vic." I stick my tongue out at him and say, "You two can have fun here in the victorian era I'm leaving." Provost appears and says, "Uh, no you're staying here with them." I say, "No I'm not Provost, I'm leaving."  he says, "Nope your staying." I glare at him, annoyed. I say, "Fine."  I cross my arms and glare at Foust.  I let my voice be lace with venom as I say, "You better hope there are no vampires around here, Foust."  Rebecca shouts, "VAMPIRES?!! What the hell?!!"  I sarcastically say, "Great, now they can know that we're here lovely."  Foust says, "Again, victoria I'm sorry how much do you want me to apologize." I reply, "Apologizing isn't going to work, now I have to be stuck here because provost won't allow me to use the watch." Rebecca says, "Can both of you shut up and answer my questions?" I look at her and reply, "Ok what do you want to know?" She sighs and says, "Finally. Number one why don't you want to be here, victoria?" I say, "Well my family was killed in this time period by vampires."  She looks astonished and says, "Vampires actually exist?" I nod and say, "Yeah they exist in this time period at least."  She asks, "Is this the time period where you two met?" Foust replies, "Yep." She looks at me and says, "Then you shouldn't be alive." I say, "There's a thing called reincarnation."  "So you're reincarnated?" She asks. I nod and say, "Yep. Also, that's enough questions; Foust get us out of here before something bad happens." He sighs and says, "But we just got here."  I say, "I don't give two shits we're leaving."  Suddenly a gun goes off.  I quickly grab the scythe from Foust's hand and make the blade longer. The bullet bounces off the blade. "Oh lookie foust its future you, want to say hi." I sarcastically say as I stare at future foust. "Where the hell did he get a gun?" I whisper to myself. Foust says, "yeah we're leaving let's go." I take my necklace and mutter, "Home." the necklace does its thing and we teleport out of there and are back in my room.

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