Back to Foust's past

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"wait why am I back here?" I mutter to myself as I wake up and see I'm back in the tiny room that's filled with papers. "Provost, where are you?" I whisper as I get off of the bed. I soon hear someone coming. I sigh and say, "not again." I get my wings out and fly to the support beam. I see Foust walk into the room muttering to himself. "what does he keep muttering about?" I whisper as I look at him. Provost appears and says, "weapons." I shriek in surprise and fall off the beam. I land in someone's arms. I hear Foust's voice say, "who are you and where did you come from?" Provost whispers, "angel." I sigh and say, "my names angel." He nods and then asks, "where did you come from?" I look around the room and replie, "uhhh I don't know if I can answer that."  Foust asks, "why not?"  I shrug and say, "I just can't; It might mess something up."  He sets me down on the chair, I look down and see that the pocket watch is back on me. I groan and mutter, "really I broke this thing why is it back?" Provost says, "because you might need it, you never know." I mutter, "yeah right I might need it for what? So I can see him die again?" Foust coughs and says, "I beg your pardon what?" I look at him and say, "nothing, nothing at all."  He looks at me strangely. I turn around and stare at the papers on his desk. "equations, equations, equations." I mutter to myself. Foust asks, "do you want to know what they're for?" I shrug and say, "if you want to." Provost says, "ha nope say goodbye victoria." He snaps his fingers and necklace starts glowing. I wave goodbye and I'm teleported back home. "well that was fun." I say out loud. I see provost rolling his eyes and sarcastically say, "yeah that was super fun." I reply, "you were the one who brought me there so don't even try,provy." He pats my head and says, "yeah I know." Foust appears and says, "oh there you are I was getting worried." I reply, "aww I'm sorry I made you worry,foust,  provost teleported me somewhere." He nods and says, "well shall we go watch something?" I shrug and say, "sure,let's go." We walk in the room, and I see Rebecca sleeping in my bed. I roll my eyes and get my laptop, I bring it downstairs and wait for foust to come. He soon comes down and sits down on the sofa. I say, "we're going to watch interstellar." He nods and says, "ok whatever you want, Vic."  I put it on and we start watching. I soon see that foust has fallen asleep. I roll my eyes and shut off the laptop. I lean against him and fall asleep.


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