Meeting Future Foust

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"Who the hell is that?!!!" I ask as foust picks me up and moves out the way. Foust replies, "that's future me."  I sarcastically reply, "that makes complete sense."  He says, "In the multiverse it does." I say, "oh right time travel stuff duh stupid me. I didn't get to that chapter yet." Foust asks, "what are you talking about?" I smile and say, "nothing."  I get out of his arms and make my wings appear.  Foust shouts, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!"   I fly towards white haired foust and start poking at his halo. The halo moves in response. I sequel in excitement and continue playing with his halo. I'm to preoccupied with the halo to see future foust's reaction. Suddenly i'm pushed hard to the ground with foust standing over me. I sit up from the ground and look at Foust.  I go to speak when Foust interrupts me and says, "What the hell is wrong with you  Victoria, you literally just watched your friend get killed and start playing with his halo?"  I shrug and say, "I've already seen death multiple times so i'm use to it and halo."  I get up and ask, "how did you get me away from him ?" I see that we're about a little shorter than a foot away from him. Foust says, "I kicked you away with my foot." I hold my shoulder and say, "oh; no wonder why my shoulder hurts then." Future foust runs up to foust and tries to cut him when foust takes hold of the scythe. "I need to get the scythe away from them." I whisper. I fly over them and yank the scythe away.They both look at their empty hands, that's when future foust decides to hit foust, foust hits back and it turns into slap fighting. I look at both of them slapping each other.  "what the fuck are they doing?" I mutter under my breathe. Provost says, "what does it look like they're doing? they're fighting." I say, "yeah.. but  slap fighting? really?" He shrugs and says, "you took away the scythe this is what they decided."  I watch a few minutes of this until foust backs up. I throw the scythe and foust catches it. In a weird turn of events future foust runs away.  I walk up to foust and say, "well shall we go to my house and sleep?" Foust nods and I lead the way home. Once we reach the house I find the key to the door and unlock it. We walk in and I lock the house back up. We walk upstairs to my room with out making a sound. Once there I say, "slap fighting really?" Foust shrugs and lays down on the bed. He takes his shoes off and gets underneath the covers. "I'm going to bed you should too good night, Victoria." He says as he falls asleep. I whisper "good night,foust." I get ready for bed and walk out, I go to my brothers room and walk in he's not in the room. I text him and ask if I can sleep in his room. he replies "yeah i'm spending a night at a friends house good night."  I turn off my phone and get in his bed. I close my eyes and go to sleep.  

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