Wrong place, Wrong time Pt.3

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I feel myself falling. "Please let this be a dream.", I mutter as I try to get my wings out and fail. I fall through branches and land on something.  "That was quite an entrance, little prey.", I hear Vladimir say. I sigh and mutter, "Ankle's broken again."  I look up at him and see he's wearing a crown. "W-What's with the get-up?", I ask through chattering teeth as I also see that he's wearing armor. I look around and see that we're on a horse.  He shrugs and replies, "It's for protection." "Obviously.", I state rolling my eyes. "S-So what are y-you doing o-out here?", I ask, "It's far f-from the house right?" "Trading and political stuff.", He replies. I nod and ask, "F-Falvik and Foust are h-home?" He nods. "We might be having people over.", He replies. "That's not good.", I mutter.  He smiles at me. "Why? Do you wanna be alone?~", He asks seductively.  "Er i-its not that, if the men are j-just like you I definitely don't want to meet them.", I reply.  "What's wrong with me?", He asks. "Well considering you murder your wife, I don't wanna accidentally piss them off.", I reply. "Well no one's going to touch you.", He replies as he starts snuggling me. I roll my eyes. "Also how do you know I murder her?", He asks, "Humans can't smell that well can they?" "Um you did a shitty job cleaning?", I reply.  "I don't think so also the carpet doesn't feel wet so..", He trails off.  "Nope you did a crappy job of cleaning.", I assure him. He stares off puzzled trying to think of how he did a crappy job covering up his murder scene.  We soon reach a barn, Vladimir gets off and picks me up. He sets me down and I lean against the wall shivering. "Damn you, Provost, why can't you give me warm clothes in this time period?", I mutter to myself.  I see something poking out of Vladimir's saddlebag. I glare as Provost in his cat form smiles at me. "Sup, Vic.", He replies as he looks at me. "You asshole.", I mutter. "Why am I an asshole? Because I let you fall into your lover's arms?", He asks. "He's not my lover.", I whisper and take him out of the saddlebag. Vladimir looks at us confused. "How did the cat get in the bag?", he asks, "I'm sure he wasn't there before." "I have no clue.", I reply.  I put Provost down, who jumps on my shoulder. "Well let's get going.", He states as he grabs the saddlebags and other bags off of the horse. "Need help?", I ask. "Aww, aren't you sweet? I'm fine.", He replies. I mockingly smile back at him. We walk back to the house.  As we're walking Vladimir says, "Change out of your clothes, there should be some dresses in the closet."  "I'm fine.", I reply. He glares at me. "Do you want me to give you another black eye?", he asks. "Do you want me to pull your hair?", I retort back. "Do it, I'll moan in pleasure~", he replies seductively. "Gross.", I reply disgustingly. Vladimir opens the door, puts the bags down, and goes upstairs. I close the door and limp in the hallway. I see Falvik staring at me. "Uhh hi?", I ask. "Hi", He replies, "Do you need help walking?" "I guess.", I  answer.  He walks over and I put an arm around him. I lean on him as we walk to the kitchen. He leads me to a chair and I sit down. "I can get you an ice pack for your eye if you want.", Falvik says. "I'm fine, thank you though besides I don't want you to get in trouble.", I reply.  "I guess you can say we're used to it.", He replies.  "You shouldn't be used to it.", I reply as I look at the ceiling. He goes off somewhere and I soon hear the door open and close.  The door opens again and I see Falvik holding a rag that's dripping with water. "It's filled with snow, you can put it on your eye.", He says. I take the rag and do just that. It stings a little but soon goes away. I soon hear someone go down the stairs. Vladimir appears with his clothes changed and grabs my wrist. I look at him and tilt my head to the side. He pulls me up and wraps his arm around my waist.  "Shouldn't it be my hand that you grab?", I ask. "Maybe.", He replies, "However you're holding onto that rag so.." he trails off. I pull it away from my eye and tilt my head to the side. "Yeah and who gave me the black eye?", I ask. "I did.", He replies, "and I'm not sorry about it." I roll my eyes. "Of course, you wouldn't be sorry about it.", I mutter. We start waltzing in the kitchen. I try to get away as my ankle is screaming in pain. "Vladimir..", I trial off. "Hmm?", he hums as nuzzles his face to mine. "Ew.", I mutter. I clear my throat and say, "Can you please stop my ankle hurts."  We soon hear a knock on the door.  "Foust.", He calls out. Foust soon appears. "Can you take her upstairs and dress her?", He asks. Foust nods and holds out his hand. "How do you know that I'll fit in her clothes?", I ask. "You two look to be about the same size.", Vladimir replies. I grab Foust's hand and we both walk upstairs.  Once we reach the bedroom I sit on the bed and huff in annoyance. "What's wrong?", I hear Foust ask. "Oh nothing, I'm just not too pleased that I have to wear your mother's clothing.", I reply.  He tilts his head to the side. I look at him and sigh, "It has nothing to do with the style, It just feels weird knowing that she's gone and I have to wear her clothing." "I see what you mean.", He replies. He opens the closet and starts going through the clothes. Provost soon appears and jumps on the bed. "You have to change Vic or else Vladimir will probably take it out on Foust.", Provost replies. "That makes no sense.", I mutter. "He likes you that's why he won't do anything.", Provost replies. "He already gave me a black eye and broke my ankle.", I inform. "Yeah but that's about it, it's to deter anyone else from having you.", He replies.  "Wait what?", I ask confused.  "Well you have a pretty face and I'm certain that the other guys who will be here will try to kidnap you and maybe sell you off.", he replies, "hopefully they won't take an interest in you because it will probably be hard to get you back." "Found it!", Foust shouts as he takes a dress out. It's a long black dress. He sets it on the bed and takes out a coat. The coat is also black with fur at the hem, on the cuffs, and around the hood. He sets it on the bed and leaves closing the door behind him. I sigh and start undressing. I go to grab the dress when I'm suddenly pushed on the bed. "Get off.", I mutter as I look at Provost whose changed to his normal form without any clothes on. "Aww but why?", He asks as he gets on top of me. "Wouldn't it mess something up?", I ask. He glares at me. He gets off and waves his hand around. I'm suddenly dressed. I sigh and reply, "Sorry." He changes to his cat form and replies, "Yeah right, I doubt you're sorry." I walk out of the room and go downstairs.

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