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"Good morning, Vic.", Foust calls out. "Morning", I tiredly reply. He kisses me on top of my head and gets up. I smile lovingly at him. "So what are we going to do?", I ask. "Well aren't we supposed to do the pagan holidays?", He asks. I nod. "Well today is one of those holidays, it's five days long and it's basically Easter before it was Christianized.", he replies. "Oh?", I ask, "What's it called?" "Ostara pronounced as Oh-star-ra.", he replies. "Cool, wanna get Rebecca?", I ask. He shrugs and replies, "Up to you." I nod and run downstairs my clothes changing as I do. I knock on her door and she opens it. I look in her small room: a mattress almost takes up the whole room. On the left is shelves filled with books that I presume are from her home. On the right is some drawers that are eye level below that is some open space where you can put anything. "Geez this is really tiny.", I mutter. "Hm?", I hear her ask. I look at her and reply, "This room is tiny." "Well I can't complain since it's all the space that your mom had I'm grateful for it.", She replies. I nod. "We're going somewhere.", I reply. "Oh? Is it back to the Viking times?", she asks. I nod and reply, "Yep let's go." We walk back upstairs and teleport out. The scenery changes to meadows and flowers. "Woah it's so pretty during the springtime.", I reply. "Yeah, it is.", Foust mutters. "Let's go look for Astrid.", I reply, walking ahead of them. We soon find her house and hear Astrid scream my name. She runs up and hugs me. "It's been a while.", She replies, "I thought you all were in another village. Where were ya'll?" "Uh..", I trail off. "We're nomads.", Foust replies, "We don't stay in one place for too long." "Oh well ya'll are just in time for the festivities.", She squeals. She runs off. "Nice cover-up.", I reply holding his hand. "Provost made me say it.", He mutters. "Well then thank you, Provy.", I mutter. We go and use Astrid's laughing as directions. "Ah yes another feast.", I sigh as we walk up and see a table outside filled with food. "Well, we do go during the holidays so obviously there's going to be a feast.", Foust replies. I nod, not saying anything. We sit down and hear them pray to Ostara. After that we eat, We see a bonfire in the center of the village. "What is with the bonfires?", I ask. "Remembrance for the sun, to mark the colds of winter thawing and the promise of fertile lands to grow. There's other reasons for the bonfire as well. Yule and Samhain is for the sun to come back. Imbolc is used to usher in the return of the sun and longer days, I'll tell you the others when we get to the holiday.", he replies. "Kay.", I reply. "Let's go to the flower field.", Astrid sequels, grabbing mine and Rebecca's hands. We walk with her as Foust follows. We soon reach a field filled with flowers of different colors. Astrid sits and starts to make a flower crown. I soon see a black and white rabbit hopping towards us. "Provy.", I mutter as see that one of his eyes is gold. "He turned himself into a rabbit?", I hear Rebecca ask as she starts making a flower crown. I shrug and reply, "Guess so." I start making my own until Provost jumps in my lap and starts chewing at my flower crown. I start petting him. I sigh. I start making another one. After I'm done with mine, I put it on Provost's head and watch him hop off with the flower crown on his head. After that, I get on Foust's lap and lay my head on his shoulder. "You tired?", He asks playing with my hair. "Yeah.", I reply. "Well I don't think anything else is going to happen the same thing will probably happen for the other five days.", he says. I nod, he picks me up and starts walking. Rebecca follows along with Provost hopping after him. "Wait I can't run with these legs, Foust.", Provost replies. "Too bad.", He mumbles, ignoring him and trying to find a secluded area. "You can time travel as well you know.", He replies. "Yeah..", Provost trails off. "Then you don't need me.", He replies. We're soon in a forest. "Ok I think I can teleport out.", He mutters. "Wait.", Provost calls out, hopping slowly. "Oh for the love of god you can teleport out you stupid creature.", Foust says glaring at Provost. "Too bad.", He replies getting on Foust's shoe. I look down at him and sigh. "Don't kick him off please.", I reply. Foust rolls his eyes as Rebecca grabs his coat. We teleport out and I get my wings and fly out of Foust's arms and into my bed. I get up and we go downstairs for dinner. After that my clothing changes to pajamas and I get in bed. "Night", I reply falling asleep.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now