To the Spaceship Pt.2

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I groan when I feel something tickle inside of me. "Come on Vic time to wake up.", Provost huffs as he plays with my halo. I glare at him.  "Just a few more minutes, Provost.", Snowflake says as he tiredly opens his eyes. "I could take her place you know, Foust.", He replies looking at him with lustful eyes. I gag as I get off of Snowflake.  "You're disgusting, Provost.", Snowflake states. "What's the difference between me and Victoria?", Provost asks. "I like her, I'm married to her, and she's not aggravating and makes me want to murder.", Snowflake states. "I could be aggravating", I reply. "That was not an invitation, Vic.", he says. I roll my eyes and get my wings out. "Don't go, I don't wanna be with shithead over here.", he replies as Provost smiles. "Too bad you'll have to deal with shithead.", I say as I fly away to go upstairs. Once I reach my room I open the door, fly over Foust, and sit down on his lap. He looks at me, smiles, and asks, " How did you get here?" I stretch my wings out. "Oh I forgot that you had wings. ", he replies.  " Ok. So shall we go to Nova's ship? ", I ask. He sits up, pets my head, and sighs, " I guess, let's get going. " I fly off of him and see Rebecca wake up. "Wait I wanna come.", she sequels as puts on her glasses, grabs some clothes, and runs to the bathroom to get dressed. She runs back. I tilt my head to the side and ask, "You're wearing my clothes, right?" "Er..yeah sorry I didn't ask before, over the past two years I've been wearing your clothes.", She responds. I shrug and reply, "Meh was just curious."  She nods.  We soon teleport. "So is there like a medical section on the ship?", I ask as Foust picks me up. "Mhmm.", He hums. Foust and Rebecca start walking as Provost appears in his cat form and sits on me. "Why exactly are you here?', I ask as I pet him.  "Mm Why not?", He asks as he purrs. "Well Snowflake is at home..", I trail off. "Ugh he won't let me do anything tho, every time I try to do something he'll either walk away or push me away.", Provost replies. "But he won't kill you?", I ask surprised. "He'll threaten me but knows he can't do anything.", He replies, "The perks of quantum entanglement also because I'm the only one who can bring you back if you die." I roll my eyes.  We soon reach a section that's cold. I start shivering. "Well looks like we're in the medical section.", Foust mutters. "K-keep me w-warm, you stupid cat.", I reply as I hug Provost. "I don't think I can do that, Vic.", Provost replies, "But I'll gladly accept hugs."  he starts purring.  "A-Asshole.", I shiver.  Foust soon walks into a room with a hospital bed and sets me down. "I'll be back, I'm going to find Castiel.", He replies. "Ok I-I'll be h-here shivering to d-death.", I say.  As he walks up to me, he takes off his coat and puts it around me. He walks out of the room. "This isn't helping.", I mutter.  A few hours pass. "W-Where the f-fuck is h-he?", I ask shivering more. "I-I don't k-know Vic. H-hope he c-comes soon.", Rebecca asks as she shivers in her chair. "Y-you don't h-have to b-be here y-you k-know.", I reply. "It's f-fine.", She replies. Castiel finally walks in. I glare at him. "Sorry, I was eating.", He replies. He looks at Rebecca and says, "You don't have to be here, you know."  "I-I'm fine.", She replies.  He rolls his eyes and replies, "You're cold right? Just get out of the medical section to somewhere warmer." "W-why is it so c-cold?", I ask. "Well we have a lot of equipment that overheats so it has to be freezing in here so it won't break from overheating.", he replies. "Nova is f-from the f-future r-right? Why h-hasn't s-she thought o-of finding a way to m-make sure the e-equipment doesn't o-overheat?", I ask. He shrugs. I glare at him.  He walks out the room and soon comes back with two blankets " So you won't be shivering." He says. We take the blankets, "Finally." I mutter as I feel some warmth. "I put them through the dryer before giving them to you so you won't be shivering.", he replies.  I nod. "What happened to your eye?", He asks. I sigh and sarcastically reply, "A wonderful family gathering and my father-in-law didn't want me to leave so he punched me and broke my ankle." He nods. "By the way, here. ", he says handing me a juice box. " Why do you have a juice box?", I ask. "Mmm because I was thirsty but I'm not now, so you can have it. ", he replies. "I thought vampires drink blood, is this blood? ", I ask sticking the straw in it.  " It's not, we sadly haven't drank any blood in years. ", he replies, " We can live without drinking blood but there's urges sometimes. " "So how do you suppress those urges, drinking grape juice? " I ask. "Pretty much. ", he replies. Rebecca and I stare at him strangely. " You don't have kids here, right? So you should be able to have wine.", Rebecca says. "They decided on grape juice. ", Castiel replies shrugging. "Well I kinda get it, they don't want you to be drunk right?", I ask. He nods. "Ok let's get your ankle checked out. ", he replies. "Why can't Provy just make it better? ", I mutter as Foust picks me up and follows Castiel into another room. "Jeez how big is this ship?", Rebecca asks. "It's huge. We basically have everything we need to live here and if we need supplies we can get them, we also can teleport and get them ourselves.", Castiel replies.  "Woah.", Rebecca says in awe. "You're not living here.", I reply.  "Why? It's not like my mom will go over and try to prey information from you.", She states. "I don't want to find out Rebecca, you're coming home with us, not staying here.", I reply.  She huffs and sarcastically says, "Ok then mom." "Good.", I reply. Castiel hands me a hospital gown. "You couldn't have handed this to me before we came in the room?", I ask taking it from him. "It didn't cross my mind, sorry.", He replies annoyed. "I should be the one annoyed not you.", I say. I take my wings out and sarcastically say, "You're such a professional, Castiel."  He rolls his eyes. I fly out of the room and soon find a bathroom. I go in a stall and quickly change when I hear the door open. I see Provost walk underneath the stall, "Aww man I wanted to see you change.", He replies sitting on the floor and flicking his tail in anger.  "Ew.", I reply as I look at him. I grab my clothes, open the stall door and fly back to the medical section, ignoring the staring at me. Once I find the room I fly in and sit down on the MRI and let my wings disappear. I hand Foust my clothes and Castiel puts an IV in my arm. "Ow.", I say as the IV goes in my arm.  "Sorry.", He replies,  "Ok lay down, you don't have any jewelry on right?" "No, what kind of doctor are you?", I ask. "I'm a military medic, well was, I'm now a biological analyst that modifies progressed DNA structures to fabricate advance lifeforms.", he replies. I nod, not understanding a word he says. He hands me a squeeze ball and I take it. "Ok lie down.", he commands me. I oblige and lay down. My right ankle gets placed in a padded device. My senses soon get shut off except for my vision and the table starts moving.  A few minutes later the table move out and my senses get turned back on. "We'll do your surgery tomorrow, I would advise you to stay in the medical section until then.", Castiel replies. "I don't get to eat hospital food right?", I ask. He shakes his head and replies, "I can ask Foust to go get you something from the mess hall." I nod. I put my arms up and Foust picks me up. He walks out of the room and starts walking to the patient room, I soon get tired and feel my clothes changing. I lay my head down on Foust's arm and fall asleep.  

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