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"Mom!Mom!", Astrid screams. I groan and put the covers over my head. "She came! she came!", She shrieks.  The mother stares surprised. "Provost.", I mutter. I look at him and he nods confirming it was him who drew in the ashes.  "Well let's go get the clothing.", The mom replies. Astrid nods and runs outside. She runs back in and goes to the farthest corner of the house to change. After she's changed, her mother puts her doll in a white flower-filled basket. "She'll go door to door and the people will give her little gifts of coins or snacks.", Foust says. "Do you two wanna come along with me?", Astrid asks excitedly, "They can come too right?", she looks at her mother. "If they want to.", The mom replies. I look at Foust who puts an arm around me and kisses my head. "Shall we?", I ask. "Yeah let's go.", He replies, smiling as he plays with my hair. "Let's go.", Astrid squeals as she runs outside. Foust, Provost, and I follow her outside. For the rest of the day, we go house to house and watch as people give gifts to Astrid. We go back to the house as it's getting dark and people start lighting candles and bonfires. I see that Astrid's family has their own bonfire burning as we go inside. The table has been set with the food from last night. After we eat, We go outside and see people dancing, drinking, and being merry. I lay my head on Foust's arm and sigh tiredly. "You get tired easily.", Foust mutters petting my head. "Says the one who insists we sleep a lot.", I mutter. "I'm old, can you blame me?", He asks. "I'm old too.", I reply. He sighs. "Shall we go home?", Foust replies. "Well will we miss anything else?", I ask. "No, we already ate so nothing else is going to happen.", He mutters tiredly. "Then let's go.", I reply. Provost runs and jumps on Foust's shoulder as he brings me into a waltz. We time travel out and are back home.  "Hey where did yall go?", Rebecca asks. "Ireland, celebrating the two-day festival of Imbolc.", I reply tiredly.  "Oh cool.", She replies. "Let's eat dinner shall we?, I ask tiredly. Foust nods and we go downstairs and eat. After that, I walk to my bed and my clothes change into pajamas. I get in bed and wait for Foust to follow me. Once he does I get in his arms and fall asleep.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now