Raven Problem

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I groan when I feel a tickling sensation inside of me. "Oops sorry.", Foust says as he lays his hands on my back. I tiredly look at him. " Uhhh hello.", I awkwardly say. "Good morning, Vic. ", Foust cheerfully replies as he smiles.  "Awww I was wondering where you were going, Vic. ", Rebecca replies. I sit up and stare at her. She explains, " You were trying to get out of the bedroom apparently you were sleepwalking or rather sleep flying, Provost opened the door for you and out you went. I was too tired to follow you so I went back to bed. I figured that Provost would keep you safe. " I nod. "So did I startled you, Foust?", I ask as I revert my eyes back to him. He nods. " Well now you know I can never really stay mad at you because I love you. ", I state. A raven's caws are soon heard in the distance. " Weird I've never heard of a raven being here before. ", I state. "Damn it.", I hear Foust mutter. I tilt my head to the side and look at him. "These ravens have been following me everywhere, when I met you they went away. I thought they finally left me alone but apparently they've come back." , Foust explains.  "Well ravens are a symbol of death so...", I trail off. "Well, why are they here? Is someone going to die?", Rebecca asks. "Foust said that they follow him around; So are you a reaper?", I ask. "You know now that I think about it Foust did have a raven on his shoulder when we went to your grandma's funeral.", Rebecca says. I look at her. "Uhh what? How did nobody notice a blackbird on Foust's  shoulder ?", I ask. Rebecca shrugs. "Well the Victorians were kinda creepy so I guess they thought  grandma lent Foust a raven or something." I reply. "I mean when they buried her; ravens were all around the graveyard. Everyone thought it was really weird and creepy.", Rebecca explains. "So what did everyone think when I was quiet?," I ask. "I think they just thought that you were greaving not you having your senses shut off. Foust was leading you so it's not like you were just walking around on your own.," Rebecca replies. I soon see a raven in the house. "How did it get in here?", I ask. I soon see another bird fly past us and land on a chair. "The chimney.," Rebecca replies as another raven flies in from the chimney.  "Who opened the chimney?", I ask. "Probably Provost.", Rebecca answers.  Provost appears. "What's with all of these birds?", Provost asks as a raven lands on his leg.  The raven caws at Provost. "Caw to you too, you stupid bird.", Provost replies as he smacks the bird away. "Jeez, you're animal abuser, Provy.", I reply as another raven lands on my shoulder.  I soon hear Oliver coming down the stairs. "Hey, Vic I saw this cool bird ....by the..window?" Oliver says as he looks at the living room that's been claimed by the ravens. "Uhhh why are there birds in here?", Oliver asks. I sigh. "Ask my husband who's a reaper.", I state. "So that's why you have a scythe? I thought you just liked carrying it around to scare people.," Oliver replies as he looks at Foust.  Foust sighs and asks, "Do you really think I want to scare people?" "I don't know.", Oliver replies.  I roll my eyes. "So what are we going to do about the ravens?", I ask. "I don't know.", Foust sighs. "Well, how did you get rid of them before? ", I ask. "I don't remember.",Foust replies.  "Are you serious what the hell Foust? We need to get rid of these birds before mom finds them." , I state. "Finds what?", Mom asks, "Uhh, why are there birds here?" "Foust is a reaper and they've been following him.", I reply. I soon hear Artemis' voice scream, "BIRDS !!!!" "Oh goddammit.", I aggravatedly say as Artemis starts pouncing on the birds.  "Provost, get Artemis please.", I say. Provost catches Artemis midjump. "Hey wait I want to catch the birds let me go, you asshole!", Artemis shouts.  "Someone close the chimney please before more ravens come in.", I state. Oliver goes and deals with the chimney.  "Now how are we going to get these birds out?", I ask. I look at Provost. "You have a question?", Provost asks. "You can get them out of the house can you?", I ask. "Yeah, where do you want me to send them?", Provost replies. "A cemetery.", I say.  "Hmmm, what if I want them here?", Provost asks.  A raven lands on his shoulder and he flicks it off. "Well you don't seem to like them so...., "I trial off.  "You have a point.", he replies as he snaps his fingers, and all of the ravens disappear. "Why couldn't you do that when they first came?", Rebecca asks. "I dunno.", Provost states. "Well, I'm going to go do some school work." I announce as I get in my chair and boot my laptop up. "Why don't you like animals?", Rebecca asks. "They're annoying.", Provost replies. "Well, that's probably the only living thing that would like you.", Rebecca says. "I like him as a friend.", I state."What?! How can you like Provost, he's an asshole?!", Rebecca asks. I shrug. "We all need love, Rebecca.", I say nonchalantly.    She narrows her eyes at me. "Provost doesn't need love.", She assures me. "Whatever I'm going to do some school work speaking of which why haven't you been in school lately?", I ask. She shrugs. " I've been doing the school work so." She trails off. "She's been a hologram at school, nobodies notice apparently.", Provost replies. I nod and start my schoolwork. 

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