Wrong place, Wrong time Pt.2

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I hear light snores beside me, "Please tell me that's Foust or Snowflake. ", I mutter. I open my eyes and am taken back. I make a disgusted noise as I see that Vladimir has decided that it's appropriate for me to sleep with him. "Please tell me nothing happened.", I mutter to myself. The door creaks open and Provost jumps on the bed. He sits and stares at me. I hear a groan beside me and Vladimir's grip tightens. " Ugh just kill me now", the thought passes my mind as I close my eyes and hope he doesn't wake up. I slowly open my eyes again and see he's still asleep. I look at Provost. "Please help. ", I mouth out. " I can't Vic sorry. You do however look comfortable.", he replies. Vladimir groans. I glare at Provost. He smiles and flicks his tail around. "Good morning. ", Vladimir yawns as he cuddles me more. I forcefully smile at him and mutter, " I don't like you. " "Aww and why's that? I like you.", he replies. I twitch my eye as I look at him. " Hmm? What's wrong, little prey? ", he asks. "Nothing.", I reply. He looks at Provost and tilts his head to the side. " I don't remember getting a cat.", he states. "Er it's my cat his names fluffy. ", I reply. He nods. I sit up and move my ankle. " Crap it's still broken, I shouldn't be surprised, it'll take some time for it to heal." The thought passes my mind as I try not to cry from the pain. Vladimir speaks, "Mmm, looks like you won't be going anywhere soon, I get to carry you everywhere. " He smiles. I glare at him. "Aww, why are you looking at me like that, little prey? We get to spend more time together. ", he replies. " Oh joy can't wait. ", I sarcastically say. " It'll be fun.", he replies. "Yeah, super fun.", I sarcastically sigh. "You'll come around soon.", he whispers as he gets up, "You have to." I look at him weirdly as he comes to my side of the bed and picks me up. He opens the door and walks to the kitchen. "I don't think anyone in this family knows how to cook.", I mutter to myself as I recall Foust telling me that he doesn't know. " I do know how to cook for your information, little prey. ", Vladimir answers. He walks to the kitchen and sets me down on a bench. He pats my head and goes outside. "If my ankle wasn't broken I would run.", I mutter. I sigh and soon hear Foust and someone else come to the kitchen. "I wouldn't sit by me if I were you. ", I reply as I see Foust about to go around and sit by me. He nods and sits across from me. I tilt my head to the side as I look at the other kid, he has long straight black hair and light silver eyes. " This is my brother, Falvik.", Foust replies. I nod. "So are you two twins?", I ask. Foust nods. "Every time traveler has twins and is a twin themselves.", Provost says as he walks in and jumps in my lap. I look at Provost and pet him. "I want this to be over, I wanna go home. ", I mutter. Vladimir comes back and sets a plate full of meat down in the center. He goes to the kitchen for something and comes back with plates and cutlery. He sets the table and sits down.  After breakfast, I decide to go outside. "Where do think you're going?", Vladimir asks.  "Out for a walk.", I reply. He narrows his eyes at me. I sigh and say, "You can come with me if you want." He smiles and brings a blanket with him. I stare at him weirdly and limp out of the house, into the cold. Provost follows me.  We walk in silence and Vladimir tries to put the blanket around me. I limp away and glare at him. "Awww I'm just trying to keep you warm, little prey, altho if you were to get sick, I would gladly take care of you.", He replies smiling. "Ugh he's like a lovesick puppy.", I mutter under my breath. "Someone's here.", Provost replies. I look at him and see he's looking far into the woods. I hum in content as I see white and a black halo. "Snowflake.", The thought passes my mind as we walk. "Don't do anything stupid, Fluffy.", I mutter. "Did you say something?", Vladimir asks. I shake my head and reply, "Nope." Suddenly Provost runs into the woods. "Fluffy!", I scream out as I run after him. I see him run up a hill, jump to try to reach Snowflake and he misses by a few centimeters. I look at Snowflake who stares at me surprised to see me there. I look down and see a big river.  "Vic!! Help!!", Provost screams as he tries to swim out. "Ugh you stupid cat.", I mutter as I run down the hill into the water ignoring the pain in my ankle. I eventually reach him and grab him. I try to get out when I lose my footing and get taken away by the current. "Damnit damnit damnit.", I curse at myself as I keep on trying to get out. Eventually, Vladimir comes and gets me out.  I shiver as I clang onto him with one hand and hold Provost with the other.  "Y-You're lucky I s-saved you, y-you stupid c-cat.", I reply shivering.  I feel Provost shaking as well. "Great we're both going to be sick.", I mutter.  Vladimir puts the blanket around me, picks me up, and says, "Looks like we did need the blanket after all." As he walks back to the house, I look at the woods and see Snowflake staring at me with a look of bewilderment on his face. "I guess Snowflake is going to save me.", I mutter as I cuddle Provost whose shivering. We reach the house and I see a fire lit in the fireplace. Vladimir sets me down, walks off to his room, and comes back changed and has a blanket. "I-I already h-have a blanket.", I say. "That one's halfway wet because of the snowflakes and you're wet, hold on.", He replies as he walks back into the room and comes out with a nightgown. "I-i'm not c-changing.", I shiver out. He tilts his head to the side, smiles, and replies, "Then you'll get sick little prey. Altho I would love to take care of you."  I glare at him. "V-Vic just c-change; your wet c-clothes aren't h-helping.", Provost states shivering. "F-fuck off Pr-F-Fluffy." I reply.  Vladimir sighs, walks back to the room to put the gown away and comes back with a towel, walks to the sofa, and kneels down. "Fine we'll just cuddle.", He replies as he kisses me on the top of my head. I cringe, he puts the towel and new blanket on me and discards the old one on the floor. He picks me up and sits down on the sofa. He lays down and says, "Just go to sleep then since you don't want to change, you'll be sick anyway." I glare at him as I shiver. He smiles at me.  I wrap the towel around me to make a barrier between us. He continues to smile and replies, "That's not going to do anything, you know." I ignore him as I dry off Provost. Once I dry him off as much as I can I bury my face into his fur and fall asleep with Vladimir running his fingers through my hair and humming in content.   

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