Shopping for clothes

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I wake up and see I'm in Oliver's arms. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!" I yell. I hear Oliver cursing under his breath. "THE BRIDES AWAKE, MOM!!!!" He yells as he runs out of the house, puts me in the car, and slams the car door. I hear the doors lock. I cross my arms and glare out the window where I see mom giving Oliver cash. "Stupid child lock.," I mutter as I try to open the doors. I hear the front doors unlock and see mom and Rebecca get in. Rebecca hands me my phone and starts squealing. I grab my phone and look at her weirdly. "What's going on?" I say. My mom smiles and says, "We're moving the date." I look at her confused and say, "What?" She replies, "You're going to get married a few weeks from now." "Wait, what? why?" I ask. She replies, "Because of what Rebecca told me, this friend of yours..." She trials off until Rebecca says, "Provost." She starts back up, "Provost, right it seems that he kills you a lot so-" I interrupt and say, "The only reason Provost does that is so I can get reincarnated again, I'll be brought back to life so we can wait until a few months for this wedding." Mom shakes her head and says, "Nope, I'm too excited about this, so no the wedding is going to take place in a few weeks and you, Victoria are not going to change my mind." She starts the car and we are soon on the road. I roll my eyes and say, "Fine." I look to the right of me where I see Provost sitting next to me. "So how's the bride to be?" He asks. I shrug and say, "Eh this is going to cost a lot of money." He shakes his head and says, "No it won't, you can use the inheritance money once the money goes I'll put more money into it so it'll still be the same amount maybe I'll add a couple of thousands in there too." "Why are you being so nice, Provy?" I ask. He shrugs and replies, "Because I can, I can be an asshole and a gentleman at the same time, it's just my personality." "What a great personality you have, Provy." I sarcastically say as I roll my eyes. I sigh and say, "I don't even need a wedding dress, Provost can just snap one on me." My mom replies, "I've always dreamed of picking out your wedding dress, So let me have fun please." I roll my eyes and say, "Fine I'll let you have your fun." Mom stops the car and we get out. I cross my arms and huff in annoyance. Rebecca grabs my shoulders and we walk into the store. A girl a little bit younger than me, stares at my halo. "You can't be serious.," I mutter under my breath. She asks, "So who's getting married?" Rebecca pushes me and says, "She is." I glare at her. I turn my head back and look at the girl. She says, "My names amber." I nod and ask, "So Amber you're the owner of this shop?" She shakes her head and replies, "No it's my brothers but he's out so I'm taking over for a little while until he gets back." I nod again. "Let's get this over with please.," I mutter under my breath. The rest of the day I try on dresses until I choose one. Provost hands me a credit card and tells me the pin. I pay for it and we walk out. After that, we go shopping for shoes. "Ugh, can this stop, please I want to sleep.," I whine as mom turns into a shoe store. She shakes her head and says, "This is the only thing you have to choose, Provost can probably get you a veil." I nod and say, "Yeah he will." I glance at him. "Of course I will, Vic. I'm so honored." He replies as he touches his heart. I roll my eyes. After I choose my shoes,with people staring at my halo and I pay for them, we get in the car. I say, "Onward to home." Once we get home I get out of the car and run into the house, I go into my room where I see Foust watching something on my laptop. I jump on the bed and take off my shoes. Foust looks at me and asks, "So how was the shopping?" I roll my eyes and say, "It was good now I'm tired, good night." I get underneath the covers and go to sleep.

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