Victorian era

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I wake up in my room. "wait? what! I thought we were in the industrial revolution what the hell?" I say to myself. Provost appears and replies, "We were, however, Chloe was being annoying and apparently foust wasn't giving her attention or whatever so he decided to bring you and Rebecca back so you two could have alone time or something."  I nod and say, "uhh ok then." I look around more and say, "wait, this the victorian era right?" Provost nods and says, "yep."  I shake my head and see foust sleeping by me. I roll my eyes and mutter, "why not just bring me to the present day? why in the victorian era?"  I hear foust say, "Because this is your original home you have to visit it sometime."  I roll my eyes and say, "no I don't, also where's Rebecca?" I hear shuffling in the next room. I get up and walk to my sibling's room where I see Rebecca walking around the room muttering to herself. I cough and ask, "um Rebecca what are you doing?" She looks at me and says, "oh you're awake, this room is so bare. I kept on asking foust where we were, but he wouldn't answer any of my questions. He just stayed silent holding you, so I eventually stopped asking and followed him into this house."  I nod and say, "oh this is the victorian era." She tilts her head and asks, "you mean the era with the big fancy dresses and a lot of tea drinking?" I nod and say, "yep this is my original home."  She nods and replies, "cool." She then asks, "what's the smell in the room a few doors down?" I shudder and say, "um I don't really want to talk about it." She tilts her head to the side and asks, "why not?" I reply, "bad memories." She nods and says, "oh." I hear someone walking outside. I quietly walk to a window and see people outside. "hmmm I'm pretty sure they aren't friendly." I mutter to myself. I walk back to my room and move the curtain where I see future foust smiling at me. I close the curtain and say, "great I'm pretty sure snowflake found some friends." Suddenly the window breaks and I turn around. I'm tossed backward by someone and see future foust on top of me. "hello little prey." He says as he smirks.  "hi, long time no see, snowflake." I reply as I look in his eyes. "Snowflake? Aww is that your nickname for me, I find that cute." He replies.  I say, "yeah now get off of me." he shakes his head and replies, "nope, say please." I sigh and say, "please get off of me." He replies, "aww aren't you just polite following rules but the answer is nope." I glare at him and say, "seriously I said please now get off of me." He shakes his head. I see someone tackle future foust to the ground. I get up and run out of the room. A couple of seconds later foust emerges from the room holding his arm. "ah so you were the one who tackled him." I say as I look at his arm and see that it's bleeding.  I look at him and he nods. I ask, "he went out of the window?" He nods again. I run off and find Rebecca huddled in the corner. I walk up to her and she asks, "what's going on?" I sigh and say, "it doesn't matter the only thing that matters is we need to leave now." I help her get up and we walk back into the room. Provost teleports us out. I look at him and say, "oh so you can time travel, provy?" He shrugs and says, "I'm a god I can do whatever I please." I roll my eyes and reply, "well thank you,provy." He nods. I look at Foust's arm and ask, "Want me to disinfect it for you?" He shakes his head and replies," I've been in worse situations then this, I won't die from it." I nod and whisper, "You have, I've seen it." He nods and replies, "I know." He continues, "you two go to bed I'll deal with it myself." I ask, "are you sure?" He nods and says, "yes, I'm sure." I nod and say, "ok then night." He smiles and replies, "good night." Rebbecca and I get ready for bed. "I hope he's ok.," I mutter as I fall asleep.     

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