Meeting the time traveler

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Disclaimer: I do not own foust.  

"I need to get out of here." I whisper to myself as peek from my hiding spot behind a wardrobe. Creatures that I thought only exist in literature are mauling down what remains of my family. Their screams of terror being silenced by those creatures known as vampires. After they're done with their meal , they leave. I wait a while then quickly open a window and jump down from my two story house. "Shit, stupid, me, why did I do that?" I whisper to myself as I get up and notice that I sprained my ankle. I start limping to the only place where I hope is safe :the woods. I look around and see nothing but trees, "come on you shitty ankle heal already." I whisper to myself. I sigh and look up at the night sky. "Why is this happening, why vampires?" I whisper to myself. I see something sparkly in a tree. "I hope I can get to it." the thought passes my mind as I start climbing the tree. As I get closer the details become more prominent and I see that it's a scythe. "This is stupid, why am I doing this? I could fall to my death." I sigh. I reach the spot where the scythe is and grab a hold to it. I tear at it and it doesn't budge. "Oh for the love of, come on!" I exclaim as I pull on the handle harder. It breaks free from the tree but I lose my balance and fall. "SHIT!" I shout as I feel myself falling. I brace for impact when I feel someone catching me. I look at this guy and he has an angular face with black hair that has two white stripes on either side of his face that flares outward. He has a piece of hair that is white on the left side of his face. He also has a pointed ears. We get on the ground and I say, "uh thanks for saving me." He looks at me and asks, "why were you in a tree, Victoria?" I squirm out of his arms and point the scythe at him. I glare at him and ask, "how do you know my name?" He raises his hands in deference and says, "hey calm down it's a power that I have." I lower the scythe and ask, "what are you then?" He replies, "I'm a time traveler." I nod and say, "ah well what are you doing here?" He shrugs and says, "just wanted to travel here I guess." I ask, "so do you have a place to stay?" He says, "I just got here so I guess not." I say, "well you can always stay with me since my family was killed." He hugs me and says, "I'm so sorry." I stiffen up then relax, I say, "let's get going." As we're walking I ask, "So what's your name?" He replies, "Foust." I nod and say, "cool name." I lead him to my home and open the door. I gag at the smell and pinch my nose. I walk carefully so I don't step on any bodies, suddenly I'm picked up by Foust, I yelp in surprise, He says, "calm down." I raise an eyebrow and say, "can you blame me?" He chuckles and replies, "no not really." He walks upstairs without a candle, once we're upstairs I ask, "Can you set me down?" He complies, I say, "you can sleep in my room if you want it's the door to the left." He nods and goes into my room. I walk down the hallway past the room where my parents and siblings were killed. "Funny how i'm the only one left alive." I whisper as I walk in one of my siblings room. I get in bed without bothering to change. "Besides I'll probably wake him and I don't want to do that." I whisper as I stare at the ceiling. I close my eyes. 

My adventures with a vampire time travelerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant