Chapter #6

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Koby POV:
It is good to see May-Lynn again I missed her. Then May-Lynn said she needs to tell us something after the bonfire tonight. Okay. I hope you stay for the bonfire. I started the bonfire, and all the bra boys came I said you Rember my Niece May-Lynn Aka Moon. Everyone said yes, we miss little sister of the bra boys.

Sunny POV:
I'm setting with Moon I said we miss you very much. Then she said she needs to tell us something. Since we all together I can tell you. Okay everyone Moon needs to tell us something please listen.

Moon POV:
Okay. You know I'm the niece of Koby, Sunny, and Jai. My mom and dad pass way last week. They are creamed and wish to be put in Bondi and Maroubra beach I hope you will help me with both. Yes, we will Annabella was our sister and Jack was our brother. Koby and his brothers was crying so was I. I can't breathe I got my inhaler out it took it they asked me what worng I said I have bad asthma. I stop an asthma attack. I have to go now I'm sorry I love you guys. I was crying too. I hurt me to see all my uncles like this. I am glad that I'm here with all the bra boys and boys in blue. I hope I made it before the lifeguard tryouts. Hey Jess when is the tryouts for the lifeguard? Next week why? I may try out to see if I can be one here like I was in Japan.

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