Chapter #150

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Star POV:
The twins are doing well. I hope to get back on my feet and back on the beach. We walk into the app and set the twins in their bed. We set and talked about work and how we handle the birth.

Jess POV:
I'm glad that you were at the tower when the twins were Born. I am I we kiss for the first time. We went to bed.

Hoppo POV:
It's not going to be the same without Star for 2 months. We got the beach ready and went to work.

Star POV:
We got up and feed the twins. I hope to get to see the boys and take Annabella and Jack to the tower to meet all the boys. I made breakfast and went to wake up Jess. I kissed him. We eat and just watch TV. We play games and feed the twins. We had fun.

Time Skip:

Star POV:
It been 1½ week, so Jess has to go back to work next week. We planned on going to the tower tomorrow. I hope the kids like it there.

H-men POV:
I see both Jess and Star came up I open the door and said Hey guys. Hey uncle night we want to come to visit. Come on in. Hey boys look who here. They turn around and gave us a hug. We pass the twins around. I so happy to have a family in the boys in blue and the Bra boys. We left and went to Marbra beach to see my other uncles. We pass the twins around again. We stay and talk about the surf and the other people that try to hurt the other women. I glad that everyone is safe and sound.

Just one more chapter and this book is done. The next chapter is a flashback on where they put the ashes in the ocean.

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