Chapter #86

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Star POV:
I went home after having a day with Koby, and his brothers. I made dinner for us. I still coughing the boys came home with Yestey, and Yak I knew they were coming, so I made some pizza poppers and fruit to eat. I said dinner ready. They came and said thank you Sis. Your welcome brothers. I'm going to bed my asthma is acting up today when I was with Koby and his brothers. Okay good night little sis. I went to sleep. Tomorrow is New Year's Day.

Jess POV:
I'm going to ask Star to be my girlfriend on her birthday. It in 2 days. All the lifeguards and all the bra boys said you have our blessing just like Hoppo, Koby, Sunny and, Jai said if you hurt her, you have all of us to be afraid of. I said I won't hurt her if I do it take whatever you give me if I hurt her. We hear Star coughing. We check on her, she said she okay. We said okay if you need anything just get one of us. I will.

Star POV:
I have work today its New year's I got dress and went to wake up the boys I wake up Yak then Yeasty then I see Reidy in the kitchen. I went to Jess room to see him awake then walk to Maxi room and woke him up. We eat then made it to Bondi. I forgot to take my breathing treatment. I told the guys. Yak said he be back. He got my breathing treatment. I had to use it or be in the tower all day. I took it and I looked around and said there a guy in trouble out there. I run down and puddle out he is drunk. I got him on the board we made it in. He said you are pretty and keep touching me. I walk away and see Bisho I said Bisho please help he keeps touching me and I not liking it. It's okay Star he radios the tower. Hoppo come down and said you can stay in the tower for the morning. Thank you. I told the cops what the guy did and took him away I'm afraid right now. But I know My boy in blue have my back at work and bra boys outside of work. I will be okay.

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