Chapter #88

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Star POV:
I'm in the tower all day. I see a hand go up radio down and said anyone never the 3 rump there a hand gone up. Jake on it Harrison said. Okay. We watch him go in and got them. I'm having chest pain I'm having some water and start coughing. Singles asked you okay Star he was rubbing my back to help me stop coughing. I stop coughing thank you Singles. You're welcome. I am looking around then Matt D. radio asking hey Star can you come down we have a girl scared and not let us never her. I on my way. I went down and see a girl a few years younger than me. I said can I come closer to help you? Yes, please I brought down the spin board. What happened? I hit my back on the sand bed and hear a crack in my back. Can my Coworkers come closer to help me get you on this board? Yes. Okay you guys can come closer now. Hi, my name Is Matt Dee. and this Is Yak.

Yak POV:
Hi, my name is Bobbie, but they call me Yak we're going to put this collar on you, it may be uncomfortable at first, but it will help not to move if you hurt your back. Okay. We're going to move you on this board to keep you from moving and hurting your back more. Thank you your welcome. Thank you, Star, for helping us she was bad scared.

Star POV:
It fine I'm happy to help. I start coughing again but this time I can't breathe Yak help. Okay let get you to the rhino. We walk to the rhino I found my inhaler and used it I hope it helps soon. Yak said let get you back to the tower. My inhaler did help.

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