Chapter # 101

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Bisho POV:
I see Star looking sad I remember today is her first birthday without her mom or dad. I look and say I'm here so is Box and Deano we are not your mom or dad, but you like a Neice to us please remember we here for you. Thank you Bish. I needed that. Let go Surfing. We puddle out and we let star have the First wave she did a 360 turn on the wave. We cheered for her. Then she said it was her first time doing a 360. I happy for you Look here come H man coming in. Hey guys and birthday girl I just saw you do the 360 turn I still can't do it.

Star POV:
I'm happy now I have never done it before now let get more wave before lunch I having fun thank you uncles. Yes, all 4 of you are like uncles to me and stay by my side still to this day I have bad days and good days. I do miss my mom and dad. But they are in a better place. We got 5 waves each. We went back in I hear a little girl cry for help I turn around and see a girl about 7 in a rip. I puddle out there and grab her hand and pulled her on my board and puddle on to the beach I see Huz and Whippet come over and said we seen you puddle out there we were trying to get out there but there was a flash rip that hit at the same time H man and Bisho and Deano help us. I don't mind I was at the right place at the right time. Hi, did you swallow any water? Yes, I did and have trouble breathing. Okay we get some oxygen and find your mom or dad. It be my aunt and uncle my mom and dad pass away last year oh I'm so sorry I lost my 2 months ago. Here you go just try to breath slow this will help you. Thank you today is my 8th birthday oh Happy birthday today is my birthday. Too. I'm 21 today. Happy birthday to you too. Yep, today my day off but I love to help people, so I helped you. Thank you. I see my aunt she is coming over with any other lifeguards oh that our boss we call him Hoppo they call me Star. Oh, my name is Star really yep. Then you can call me Moon it my other nickname they call me. Hi Hoppo this is Star, and she swallowed some water and need oxygen. Okay Thank you Moon the Ambo is here to take her and her uncle to the hospital. Okay see you Star Happy Birthday to you. Bye Moon Happy Birthday to you too.

Hoppo POV:
Moon just saves a little girl I happy she was there to save her. Hey, I love you Little Star. Love you to Big Star. I better let you get back to work. Yep, do you want to work for a little bit we need some help. Yes, let me go change.

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