Chapter #121

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Star POV:
I am waiting on Hoppo to come I wanted to talk to him I'm sorry boy but if I'm in danger that on day Mouse got hurt it because of me. No don't blame yourself. Can I please be alone and if Hoppo dose came please send him in. Hoppo come in. Hey Uncle Hop I'm in danger and so is the rest of the boys. I'm quitting the lifeguard. I love the job, but I don't want any of the boys or you in danger. He already hurt mouse He could kill anyone of us. I have to be me.

Hoppo POV:
No Star. 

We love you if you quit almost all the boys will quit. How we save anyone if everyone quit. We love you and you got the speedo clothes for us. If you quit, we may loss this. Please stay I lost my brother and sister-in-law. I can't loss you too.

Star POV:
Okay I stay for right now. But if anymore texts saying one of the boys get hurt or kill, I wouldn't be back at the beach until the guy is catch. Okay thank you. Oh, my chest pain is because of the stress I have from all this. I wish I just Be happy and not sick or being told I be killing or bad hurt. Love all the boys. I stay just I be taking some time off I be with Koby, Sunny, and Jai. I come back Friday. Those 4 days. That fine please Text me or anyone if you need anything. I will. Jess came in and said Hey Sweetheart I hope you be back soon the house will not be the same without you. I be with Koby Sunny and Jai for 4 days I be back. Love you, Honey. Love you too Baby.

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