Chapter #139

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Max A POV:
What happened? You got knocked out and someone kidnap Star. 

No, I'm so sorry I got hit on the head then it went black.

Jess POV:
Hey, it okay we find her. We will not give up on finding Star we together and we have the Bra boys to help too. There are the cops. We told what Star look like and her name too. It May-Lynn Stara Hopkins she our boss niece. Okay we let you know if we find her or anything. Okay thank you.

Vee POV:
We talk to the coach and we going to talk to the Bra boys.

Hello we hear a girl say I'm sorry uncle Koby and Sunny Jai and Hoppo. I  Love you guys and I will not give up on you on finding me. We heard her scram and a guy saying noone will find you I'm going to shaw you we heard a hit and then like a bed hitting the wall.

Thank thank you that sound like our neice can you show us where you heard this at.

Yes please follow us.

We hope we could help one way or another. I hurt us heading that last night.

Thank you again. You are helping. Call the cops please and gave this address to them.

We will.

What is your emergency you need to cops fire department or EMTs?

Hi we need cops please we think we can hear a girl that been kidnapped.

Okay the cops are on their way.

Thank you.

Vee POV:
The cops on their way okay thank you. We be next door or do you need us? You can stay right here and waiting for the cops or you can go. We wait.

Back at Bondi

Jess POV:
I don't wont to be alone right now. Hey Maxi may I spend the night at your place I don't want to be alone. Yes you can you can stay with us until Star is back. Thank you. I hope they find her soon. So do we. We all right care for her and Hoppo is her uncle. That right. So Is Koby.

Hi Jess is everything ok?

No Star is missing. Max A was walking her to the bathroom. He was knocked out.

What thanks you for telling me. We look for her and not give up on finding her.

Thank you Koby we looking for her here too.

Your welcome. She my niece and the Bra boys care for her as a little sister.

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