Chapter # 28

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May-Lynn POV:

I am waiting to be call back why I had to go to the Dr. Is I have really bad asthma. I got called back they check everything, and the Dr. come in Hi my name is Jasper Cullen. Hi I'm May-Lynn Hopkins. He did some test. They came back fine I just have to be careful I will I'm a lifeguard at Bondi Beach would I still be able to work there? Yes, you can just make sure you have your inhaler with you or one of your coworkers I will. I'm tired again Oh you be tried for a few days I would only work in the tower or stay home. Okay thank you Dr. Cullen Can you write to my boss Hoppo to tell him I can only work in the tower for a few days? Yes, here you go. Thank you again. I called a cab I'm 30mins late, but I know Bisho is covering for me, I text Hoppo saying I'm coming to talk to him but not to work. He said just come to his office. I made it to Bondi and knock on the office door and Whippet answered the door he and Hoppo both there I said I come back if need to know we just talking it fine. Okay I can work but only in tower for a few days maybe next week back on the beach. I just still tried and it nothing It just my asthma attacks the other night It made me tried, and I stay tried for a week. Here the note form the Dr. Hoppo said you can work in the tower until you can work on the beach again and Bisho is here to cover your whole shift for you okay Thank You. Can I stay here and sleep on your couch I don't want to be alone right now? Yes, you can.

Hoppo POV:

May-Lynn Just asked if she could sleep on the couch in my office, I said yes, she can, I hope she be okay. Whippet said he talked to me later he needs to go back to work. I asked Bisho to come to my office for a min. he came in and see Star asleep on the couch I asked can you take the whole shift he said yes, I'm happy too. Is she okay? Yes, she just tried well be for a week. She in the tower for this week only she has a Dr. note saying she can work in the tower. Okay I'm going back to work see you later.

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