Chaper #131

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Star POV:
Thank you again Bisho for letting me stay with you last night. You're welcome your welcome here anytime you need too. Okay I got ready for work. Bisho took me to Bondi. Hi Guys, I'm back I made all the guys jump sorry didn't mean to make you all jump.

Hoppo POV:
I see all the boys jump when she said hi guys. I start to laugh. Hey Star it good to see you back on your feet. It good to be back I missed working. We missed you too. Let's get to work.

Star POV:
I looking around the beach I see Jack suson. I told the boys that I'm not leave the tower by myself the guy that after me is here. It okay Star we here he not get you. Thank you. I see hand go up

Central to North end
There a hand gone up about 40 meters to your left.

North end to Central:
Copy West going in.

North End to Central
We need a ambo female age 10 swallow water and can't breath.

Central to North end.
Copy. They be here in 5 mins.

North end.
Copy bring her up.

Yestey POV:
I glad Star back on her feet. We miss her really bad. Jess wasn't himself. Hey Star Glad you are back. I'm Happy to be back.

Star POV:
My phone ding telling me I got a text.

Unknown number
I know you back a work I know you see Jack Suson. We will get you you not safe even in the tower.

Star POV:
F**ck. Hey Yestey and Quinn I got another text and I feel fint.

Quinn POV:
Come on you need to stay awake please. We care for you. I see her eyes roll back. F**ck. Please radio Hoppo. As I catch her before she fell out of the chair. She start to have a seizure. Yestey pass me a coat. I moved all the chairs away. I put the timer on. Hoppo run in. Star told you she got a text and felt fint. The seizure been 2 mins. Oh no. The seizure stop at 2 1/2 mins. Okay. Hi Star you okay you just had a seizure.

Star POV:
Thank you Quinn. I got scard of the text. Hey it okay. It my 2nd time having a seizure. Last time was when I was sick. We know. We keep an eye on you. Thank you. Let get back to work. Hi Jeff how are you? Shore I fell on my ankle. Oh Jeff let us have a look.

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