Chapter #63

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Star POV:
I woke up and see I'm in Hoppo office and see Hoppo working on the computer I said Hey Hoppo. Hey, you awake good how are you feeling a lot better thank you. My chest doesn't hurt as much now. Yea you had an asthma attack and Yak said it was from the blue bottles sting. Och okay I don't feel them now. What time is it? It after 12:00. Okay I need to get my lunch. Can I go back to the tower yes you may please be careful just stay in the tower with Reidy and Karrbox. I will. I went to the tower and start to help with the blue bottles stings when a little boy come a running saying someone is hurt bad down south, I radio the boys but they all busy I told box and Reidy I going to help. Okay please be careful. I ran with the little boy and see it Mouse that hurt oh mouse what happen? A guy pushes me and I'm dizzy really bad okay. Let me radio up to the tower and get Yak or Quinn to help me. Star to All lifeguards it mouses who is hurt and feeling dizzy I need back up.

Hoppo POV:
Star just radio in saying mouse is hurt and really dizzy. She needs back up. I run out of my office and went to the tower and asked why is Star down with mouse? Everyone was busy or out on the water so she was the only one who could help sorry boss I would. It's okay Reidy and Box you hurt I am going down to help and please call an Ambo on its way boss. I run down to help I see Yak he said a bad cut to the head but other than that he okay. I see Star crying I say you okay Star yes. I glad that I made it in time to help mouse. I need to get back to the tower. Please take mouse up and wait on the Ambo with him Star. Okay He left with the Ambo. Hey, Star you did good today. I happy that you were there. Thank you boss.

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