Chapter #145

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Star POV:
I'm at the Dr to see if I'm pregnant or not. Olay came with me I glad. Miss Hopkins the Dr will see you now. We went back. Hi, my name is Dr Cullen. Hi, my name is May-Lynn, Hopkins. They did a blood Pakistan test on me and being more electorate to see if I'm pregnant or not. I keep getting sick every morning. I waited with Olay. We talked about the baby shower and gender reveal party I'm planning for her and my uncle Koby. Okay Miss Hopkins you are month pregnant. They did an ultrasound and found out I'm having twins. Can I have 30 copies please. Yes, I go get them.

Olay POV:
You going to be a mom. Yes, and Jess said he be by my side and be a father to them. I glad. I have to talk to Hoppo about this and I be in the tower for now on. Yes, but you have more days off and spend it with us. We got the ultrasound pictures and left for Bondi Beach. I drop Luna off I see you later I Will not tell Koby.

Star POV:
I walked over to Hoppo office and knock. Come in. Hi Hoppo and Bisho. Hey sweetie what did the Dr say? I'm pregnant with twins. Here the ultrasound pictures for both of you. I'm sorry this had happened to you. It okays I'm back with my family. We can tell the others together. Yes please.

Hoppo POV:
I going to be a Great Uncle. Let go over I put you and Jess on short shifts, so you'd be off of you earlier than you are now. Thank you. Oh, you on tower only and when you at 7 months you have pay leave. That fine. Okay here everyone.

Star POV:
We walked in. I found out today that I'm pregnant with twins. I'm not afraid now I love you all as brothers and uncle in Night and Box case. Everyone laughs at that.

All Lifeguards POV:
We here for you and love you like a sister in Night and Box case a niece.

Jess POV:
I love you as a boyfriend. I will be there for you and the babies. I will become their father.

Star POV:
Thank you. I love you as a girlfriend. I would love to have you as the father of the twins.

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