chapter #116

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Star POV:
I'm watching the water when I start to cough and not stopping. Yak turns to me as Jake and Box is doing first aid. I can't breathe yak. Okay he helps me use my inhaler it not helping. Hey star it okay. Try to calm down. I clam down and start to breath a lot better. Thank you Yak your welcome. The boys close the beach and Chappo came in he gave me a hug and said thank you little sis for saving me. Anytime big bro. We all are family not by blood. But we family. Yes, we are Star.

Jess POV:
We made it home we eat and went to bed. We have the day off tomorrow. We going to Maroubra tomorrow. To see Koby and his brothers. I check on Star one last time.

Star POV:
We got up and got ready to go to Maroubra to surf and huge out with uncle Koby. I happy to have the day off. We drove over I see My uncle Sunny right away. Hi uncle Sunny. Hi Luna and Jess. Hi Koby and Jai. Hey Little Luna. Ready to surf? Yes, let go.

Koby POV:
I am happy to see my little Neice happy. Yes, she even saved Chappo life yesterday. He got chocked on his lunch. Oh, I'm really glad she was there. So were all the boys. We surf for a long time I see Luna breathing hard she we made it back to the beach. She used her inhaler. I asked you, okay?

Yes, I guess I got to hot but we need to go. Love you Uncle Koby, Sunny, and Jai. I see you again. We see you and love you.

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