Chapter #85

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Star POV:
I asked Koby if he had the day off today? He said yes and so dose Sunny, and Jai. I asked do you want to hang out Hoppo gave me today off too. I had a bad day yesterday. Yes, meet us at Bont beach at 9:00 please. I meet you guys there.

Koby POV:
Moon just asked if we had the day off, we do. I asked Sunny, and Jai if they want to spend some time with star today, she had a bad day yesterday. Yes, let go. We made it Bont beach. I see Moon talking to a lifeguard. I walk over and said Hey Moon. Hey uncle Koby, Sunny, and Jai. This is Corey and Yestey. Hi nice to meet you too. It nice to meet you guys too. It looks like a good surf today. Okay see you guy later we be careful.

Star POV:
We surf for 4 hours I start coughing I need my inhaler I puddle in and See Yestey in the rhino I said please tell me my inhaler is in this one. Yes, we have one in all the rhino just in case you have an asthma attack. Here I hear you wheezing bad. Thank you Koby, and his brothers said they had to go I said thank you for today see you guy's later I had fun. You're Welcome you okay you still wheezing bad? I'm okay it happens. Can I get a raid to Bondi Yes come on we drop you off. We made it to Bondi I love you guys. I call you later or tomorrow. Okay bye Moon.

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