Chapter #118

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Star POV:
I see Singlets in the tower. I said Hey Singlets how are you? I'm good how are you? I'm ouch I grab my chest as a shooting pain went though. I said help bad chest pain then everything went black.

Singlets POV:
F** k I radio to everyone.

singlets to all Lifeguards:
Eyes off water. I need help Star pass out.

Hoppo To Singlets:
I'm coming up.

Max A. To Singlets:
Yak on his way and West is coming to watch the water.

Hoppo POV:
Singlets just radioed us and said that Sar pass out and need help. I run to the tower and see Singlets and West. West is watching the water. hey west, what you doing here on your day off? I was talking to Max A. When Singlets radio and we need Eyes on the water. Okay thank. Hey Hoppo Star said she been having chest pain then pass out. That not good. F**k she turning blue we start bagging her. I see Yak come running in. He helps us with CPR. S**t we need the defib now. Her heart stops.

Yak POV:
Star heart stopped we shock her 2x we finally found a pulse. I got a pulse come on Star. Star woke up. She said I'm sorry my chest been hurting all day. I didn't want to tell you guys. Then she passes out again. S**t her pulse & breathing is low. The Ambo is here It Quinn. He asked me to go with him and Joce. Hoppo said go with her. I let the other know. Thank I keep you updated. West said he cover for us. Thank you.

Hoppo POV:
I need to let the boys on the beach know.

Hoppo To all Lifeguards.
Star is on her way to the hospital she was having chest pain then pass out.

All Lifeguards to Hoppo:
Keep us updated.

Hoppo to All Lifeguards:
Will do.

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