Chapter #37

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Karrbox POV:
Star still out it been 20 mins and the boys on the beach radio us to check on her every 5 mins. It looks like she is coming around I said how you are feeling still a little dizzy not to bad here some juice and some sugar you blood sugar is low that why you dizzy and pass out. Ouch not again it happens a lot when I don't eat as soon, I feel dizzy we were on the jet ski, so I couldn't eat.

Star POV:

I can't believe my sugar was low It had happened before it run in my family. I said hi Hoppo my sugar is low that why I pass out. It maybe Because of not eating much today. I was on the jet ski when it was brake so can I go and eat I still work at the same time. Yes, go and please be careful and stay around H/Night or Karrbox. I will I'm in the tower all day and so is Night/H. Okay. We walked back, and I got my lunch I radio the boys on the beach that I'm okay now. I hope that I didn't scary them to bad. I asked Box and Night how bad did I scared the boys?

H/Night POV:
They radio every 5 mins until you told them you are okay. We called Yak or Quinn up when you first pass out Yak came and told us it was just your sugar. We glad you are okay now we make share you eat before going out on the jet ski again.

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