Chapter #98

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Star POV:
We walk to the tower, and I see Quinn and Hoppo with Box in there I said Hey Boys I'm back. They jump and turn around and said you back Star how are you feeling? I been better but can't wait until I can come back and work with all of you, I just wanted to let you guy know I am good and be back to work in 2 days. We happy nothing bad happen to you. Hoppo radio and said that star is good and be back in 2 days to work. They all said be careful and see you soon. I'm happy to have all these boys as a family.

Hoppo POV:
It was good to see Star come and let us know she is doing better and see us in a few days I hope I can be there for her anytime she needs someone. I see her tomorrow for her birthday.

Jess POV:
I got star a ring that said My little star with all my heart I hope she be my girlfriend. We went home and I made dinner and see Star thinking. Is everything okay. Yes, I hope I can surf tomorrow. I glad that Whippet was with you today on the ski. So am I. Dinner being ready can we go to Maxi tonight after we eat, I would like to see him and Reidy. Star asked. Yes, let eat them go see them.

Maxi POV:
Star scared everyone at Bondi as I was at Bronte beach today. I hear a knock at the door. I open and see star and jess there they come on in. Hey big bro we here to see you, Reidy, and Huz. We just about to watch a movie do you want to watch it with us? Yes please. Okay we are watching Pokémon 4ever. Cool the one I really like. Let go how are you doing? I fine just a bad bruise and a small bump. That good I heard after work. Oh, I go back in 2 days to only work in the tower for 4 weeks. Och. I hope you have more good days soon. So do I brother so do I. Let go.

Star POV:
We watch the movie I said good night I'm going home and go to bed See you guys tomorrow. Bye baby sis call if you need anything. I will Bye Reidy and Huz. Bye Star see you tomorrow.

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