Chapter #148

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Star POV:
I am setting watching the beach when I had a real sharp pain go through my stomach and back. I scream. Quinn runs over and said yes you are in labor let get you to the hospital after I check on you and the baby.

Quinn POV:
Lay down and I checked. F**k you already at 5 so we need an ambulance, Jess. It is raining so everyone is in the tower. Star scream again I start timing the contractions. The ambulance be awhile there a big wreck and all the ambulance is there at it. Okay we will keep doing it.

Jess POV:
The twin is coming. I need to stay calm and help Star it okay we here for you.

Star POV:
My water just broke. 

I'm scared but I know I have all the lifeguards here with me. I grab Jess hand. I feel like I need to push. Quinn came and check and said yes, you're at 10. So, on the next contraction push I said please call Hoppo and Koby and let them know please. We will.

Hey Box, is everything ok?

Yes, but Star is having the twins. The ambulance is not here Yak and Quinn is delivering the twins right now.

I be right over I just got back to my office.

Okay see you then.

Quinn POV:
Just a few more pushes you have one of the twins. I here wheezing. I need oxygen please. Okay one more push. It your little girl. Her name is Annabella Grace Pollock. After my mom and my grandma. Okay it's time for the boy oh here the Ambulance. Hey Quinn, can you please deliver my son? Yes, I will. Okay I see the head so push.

Star POV:
I push and feel really faint. But I keep going. Okay stop for a minute the Umbilical cord is around the baby's neck. I waited and I had the go ahead and here your son. His name is Jack Jess Pollock. After you and My dad Jess. I see all the boys happy for me and my twins. We are on our way to the hospital Jess came with us.

Jess POV:
She names the kids after her mother and father and after me and my mom. I call Koby.

Hey Jess, is everything ok? I was called into work that why I can't be there for Luna.

She had the twin at Bondi. We on our way to the hospital right now.

What. Okay please let me know what room she in I visit her and the twins soon.

I will. Talk to you later.

Okay. Talk to you later.

Jess POV:
Annabella is 8 ponds and 22 inches long. Jack is 9 ponds. 21 inches long. Our big babies. We have to stay 3 days in the hospital.

Hoppo POV:
Star name her babies after my brother and sister-in-law. I went and saw them they remind me of my brother and sister-in-law. We got to hold them and said Jess you have 6 weeks off of work to help Star and Star will have 8 weeks off. Okay thank boss. Thank you, Uncle. I left and cry missing my brother.

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