Chapter #133

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Star POV:
I went home after work with Jess. I made dinner. Hi sweetie how are you feeling? I'm doing better. I hope Jeff okay. Do I. We went to bed. I put my oxygen on. We got up and ready for work. We walked to Bondi. I went to the tower. I see Jeff His ankle is broken. Hey guys. Hey sweetie how are you today? I'm doing better and breathing better. That good you in the tower All day with Jeff. Okay.

Jess POV:
I am working with Maxi all day. I'm asking Star out tonight. We had Alot of recuses and a shark. I walk to the tower and see Star laughing and talking to Karrbox and Jeff.

Can I ask you to go on a date with me tonight?

Yes, I would love to go on a date with you. What time?

At 9:00 at Bucket list?

Yes, I meet you there.

Star POV:
I went home and got ready for the date. I am in love with Jess. I ask Nicola to help. I got ready and Nicola took me to the bucket list. I see Jess you like real cutie Jess. So do you Star. We eat and dance until 11:00 we have work tomorrow. Goodnight Jess Love you.

Jess POV:
Goodnight and love you too Star. We went to bed, and I hope we have a good day tomorrow. I got up the next morning and made breakfast. I got Star up we eat and walked to Bondi. We at middle flags and then tower together. We are watching the water and sand we had to go in together. We had 2 people at the same time.

Star POV:
We had a good date, and we are working together all day today. We had to recuse 2 people each. We made it back to the beach we asked did you swallow Any water? They said no. Thank you guys for saving us. You are welcome. It the end of the day. We went home and watch a movie together then went to bed.

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