Chapter #120

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Koby POV:
I was Maroubra surfing with my brothers. When I see My wife Olya wave us in. I went back to the beach she said you got a text from Hoppo. It about Star.

Star is at the hospital because of chest pain, pass out, and Stopped breathing. We let you know what the Dr said.

Thank you and please let me know.

Koby POV:
Luna is in the hospital she had chest pain and pass out then stop breathing on them at work. Hoppo said he let us know what the Dr say. We can go and set and wait on the Dr. Sunny and Jai said. Okay let go. What is the room Isabella Hopkins in please? She in room 20b. Okay thank you. We walk into the room. Hey Little Luna and Yak.

Star POV:
Hey Koby, Sunny, and Jai the Dr said I'm under a lot of stress that cost my chest to hurt and pass out. Oh no please take care and we love you. I was thinking about quitting being a lifeguard. No please stay is that texting getting bad again. Yes. They told me. I gave them my phone I didn't want to read it again. It reads.

Unknown number:
I hope you having fun, but you need to be careful and start to watch your back.

Koby POV:
Is this why you stress and thinking about quitting. Yes, I love all of you and don't want to lose any more people I love. You won't lose us or anyone. Thank you Uncle Koby I try.

A Neice Of A Lifeguard And Bra Boys.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat