Chapter #8

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After Moon Tell Koby And His Brothers.

Koby POV:

May-Lynn just told us about our sister Annabella and Brother-in-law Jake they died last week then had an asthma attack I look and see Sunny and Jai they both crying so am I we will miss them very much. The last then we said was we love you and miss you. They were going on a job trip and will talk to us later but never got to talk after that Now we only have May-Lynn and each other. We have the bra boys behind us all the way. I'm going to talk to Hoppo to see if we can come to see Jake put in Bondi, I'm going to ask him and the other boys in boys to Marimba to do Jack I would love to have them here. I asked Moon where are you staying? She said Jess and Maxi asked me to stay with them. They Have A 4 bedroom, so I have me on bedroom and bathroom. Okay I glad you got a place but please come and see us I will. I need to go My uncle Hoppo asked me to see him after the bonfire. Okay Love you Moon here my number, Sunny, and Jai number. If you need anything, please call or text us we come and help you if we can. I will, I love all of you.

May-Lynn POV:

I asked Jess can you please take me to my uncle Hoppo house and stay with us, I may need you and I have real bad asthma and I hope to tell Uncle Hoppo and Maxi if he still there. He is still there Hoppo asked him to stay okay thank you Big Brother.

A Neice Of A Lifeguard And Bra Boys.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu