Chapter #136

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Star POV:
I got up feeling really bad I think I have a fever. I got Jess up. He checked and yes, I do have a fever. I called Hoppo.

Hey sweetie you okay you don't call me.

No, I have a fever. Hold on here Jess.

Star POV:
I had to run to the bathroom I got sick sorry Jess hey It okay. Maxi is coming over he has the day off. Okay thank you.

Hoppo POV:
Jess told me that Star just got sick that why he had to get on the phone. I said she has the day off. Maxi is off he can stay with her.

Hi Hoppo is everything ok?

No Star is sick can you watch her today it is you day off?

Yes, I don't care to. I let you know if she gets any sicker or a trip to the hospital.

Thank you, Maxi.

Maxi POV:
I walked over to Star and Jess Apt. Hey I heard you don't feel well today. No, I don't. I got sick and a fever. Oh no okay we can watch movies play games and sleep today. That sounds like a good idea.

Star POV:
We play cards and watch movies. I had fun but I got sick a lot of time I keep drinking and eating soup. I said I'm going to sleep. Okay sis. Your fever is almost gone. Okay that good. I sleep for 3 hours. I got up and said I feel better. Your fever is gone let get you some soup and some juice.  I keep it down. Jess and uncle Hoppo check on me the whole day so did most of the other lifeguards. I love how they care about me. Hi bro Thank you for taking care of me today. Your welcome sis anytime you need me I try to be there for you. Thanks again.

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