Chapter #87

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Star POV:
I went back to the tower and set down. I picked up some binoculars and start watching the beach and ocean. I'm in the tower with Singles and Max A. I hope to get to know Max A. I see Jack Suson look up where I am got scared and started to shake. Singles asked what wrong? I couldn't answer him I'm in shock.

Singles POV:
I see star shake and not answering me I think she in shock. I radio Hoppo. Tower to Hoppo can you please come to the tower we need help. As Max keep trying to get Star to answer him. Something had too scary her bad. Hoppo to Tower coming. Come on star we here with you. She's not breathing well. I'm still watching the beach. I hear Hoppo come in I said Star in shock and not answering us.

Hoppo POVG
Singles radio me I run to the Tower, and he said Star in shock and not answering him or Max. I went to her and said come on You okay. We here for you? She looked at me and said I have seen Jack Suson he here to hurt me can I stay up here all day. Yes, you can, I tell the boys on the beach You here and Singles is in the tower all day too. Let see then it you and Singles and Maxi all afternoon.

Star POV:
Thanks, Hoppo. I need this I don't want to be a pain to your guy. You're not Star we here for you and we care for you. Thanks, Boys. Sorry if I scared you Max and Singles. It fine we glad you are okay.

A Neice Of A Lifeguard And Bra Boys.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora