Chapter #140

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Star POV:
I been in this house for a week now, but I am not giving up on being found. I love my uncles.

Jess POV:
It been a week since Star been kidnapped but we not going to give up on finding Star. We love her and I hope to ask her to marry me.

Hoppo POV:
It been a week since Star been kidnapped but we not going to give up on finding Star. We love her. I just try to be strong for all the boys.

Ashwin POV:
Me and the team is helping The Bra boys to find this girl. We had seen her but now we can't get into the house. I hope we get her out soon.

Koby POV:
It been a week since Luna/Star been kidnapped but we not going to give up on finding Star. We love her the India cricket team is here helping us I not give up on finding Luna/Star.

Max A POV:
I know I My thought that she got kidnapped but under my watch I will find a but I'm still blaming myself. I was walking her to the bathroom. I got knocked out. I know we will find her.

Star POV:
The guys that kidnapped me left and the door is unlocked. I run out I went next-door and knock. An India team member answer the door. Hi, can you please help me I was kidnap last week.

India cricket team POV:
Yes, come in we help you set down please I call the cops for you do a police report against the people that kidnapped you. Thank you I appreciate you doing it for me. Anytime. Oh, our names is.


Star POV:
My name is May-Lynn Hopkins. Cool you the Neice of the head lifeguard. Yeap and the niece of Koby Sunny and Jai of the Bra boys.

Virat POV:
What hold on we have Koby number so he can come over and get you after you talk to the cops. Okay.

How can we help you?

Hi we need cops. A young lady came to my house. Her name is May-Lynn Hopkins. She been missing for a week.

Okay thank you an officer be there soon.

Star POV:
I talk to the cops and all the people that kidnapped me is in jail now. I see my uncle Koby Sunny and Jai. Hi uncles I okay and recuse by the India cricket team. They hug me I'm happy to be back.

Koby POV:
Luna you are okay we were worried. I start to cry so is Sunny and Jai. Let's get you to the hospital then call Hoppo. Yes please.

Star POV:
The Dr said I may be pregnant with I know about three weeks if I am or not. If I am I'm keeping the baby. I called Bondi.

Hi Bondi beach his this Turnt. How can I help you?

Hi Maxi, is Hoppo around and please don't yell who it is.

Hey Hoppo phone for you.

Hello this is Hoppo.

Hi uncle Hoppo. I'm at the hospital I was found today. I miss you all at Bondi.

I'm Happy you okay. We miss you I'm coming to see you.

Hoppo POV:
Hey Maxi, you want to come to? Yes please. We told the others we be back. We got to Star room. We are so happy you are found. The Dr came in and said she can go home and work in the tower tomorrow for 4 days. Thank you, Dr., We left and went to the beach. I said let's go to the tower. And radio that you just found your back on the beach, so they won't be freaked out when they came up to town after close in time. Okay boss.

Max A. POV:
I hope Star is found soon I'm in the tower for the rest of the day. I see Hoppo and Maxi is back.

Star POV:
I walk over and gave Max A hug. He turns around and said you okay and back. Yes, I never gave up on you guys finding me.

Star to All lifeguards
I'm back and I am happy you guys never gave up on me.

All lifeguards to Star:
We happy you're back and we will have stopped looking for you.

Star to All lifeguards:
Thank you I love you all as a family.

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