Chapter #106

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Star POV:
I wake up and see I'm on the medical bed with oxygen on I hear Box talking to someone I said Hey box. He come running to my side and asked how are you feeling? Sick and can't breathe.

Karrbox POV:
I asked Star how she feeling she said Sick and can't breathe Let me call Yak and Quinn up you Hyperventilation on us and pass out. Oh no I'm sorry. Is Hoppo here in the tower? Yes, hey Hoppo Star wants you.

Hoppo POV:
Hi, Star it good to see you wake. It good to be awake. I'm sorry for what happen. I got so scared of that text. Hey, it okay doesn't get work up You.
Hyperventilation again

 breathes with me. 









 Good. You are doing that it. Are you okay now yes. Yak came in.

Yak POV:
Quinn told me about Star Hyperventilation in the tower then had an asthma attack and pass out. I said I check on her soon. I walk to the tower to check on Star. I see her awake and Hoppo breathing with her I said hi Sweetie how you feeling now? Sick and can't breathe. Okay would you let me check you? Yes please. Her chest doesn't sound too good. I think it a bad cold again. I said it sound like you getting a cold, but you be fine just taking it easy today and tomorrow only in the tower and tomorrow afternoon you may go out and get on the water. Me or Quinn will check on you again in 30 mins. Okay Thank you Yak. Your welcome Sweetie.

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