chapter #117

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Star POV:
My phone ding it a text.

Unknown number:
I hope you having fun, but you need to be careful and start to watch your back.

Not again. I'm going have to quit being a lifeguard. I love my job, but I don't want to put the boys in danger. I need to talk to Hoppo. Hey star you, okay? No, I need to talk to Hoppo when we get to Bondi. Okay let's go. I was having chest pain, but I'm not tell any of the boys yet. If it gets any worse, I tell them. We made it to Bondi. I went to Hoppo office I knocked he said came in. Hi Hoppo I got a text today. I may have to quit being a lifeguard I don't want any of the boys or you hurt.

Hoppo POV:
Hey Star, please don't said that We will help you please don't quit. 

Okay I try. You in the tower all day anyway. Okay thank boss.

Star POV:
I walk to the tower and See Singlets and Matt Dee. Hey sweetie you late. No, I was talking to Hoppo. Okay. I start to look around when the chest pain hit again, I still not telling this time. Central to North end there a hand gone up it about 20 meter in fort of you. Copy Jess is going in. I hear a loud knock I went to answer the door it was 2 teens cut up bad I said flat rock. Yes, but there another out on the rocks. Okay Hey Matt Dee we have 2 flat rocks and one still out on the rocks. Okay Star you need to go we radio for back up for you. Okay. I got all the first aid and made it flat rock. I call out and she yell back. I went to her Hi Sweetie My name is May-Lynn, but everyone calls me Star what is your name and age please? My name is Nikki I'm 16-year-old. Okay what hurts? My right leg and my left arm. Okay I radio.

Star To Central:
We have a 16-year-old girl name Nikki, and we need an ambo she hurt her right leg and left arm.

Central to star:
Copy Jess and Deano is coming to back you and Ambo be here in 20 mins.


Star POV:
There going to be two more lifeguards to help in a min. Okay. Thank you for helping me.

Jess POV:
Hey Star we here. Okay I help put the split on her arm and leg we had to use the jet ski to take her in. We got her to the Ambo. We walked back to the tower Star start to cough. And stop walking. Hey Star you okay? Yes sorry I over did it again. Okay let get you back to the tower.

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