Chapter #12

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May-Lynn POV:
I can hear everything around me, I need to wake up for them. I hear Blake I wake up to see Blake is the only one awake I move my hand to his hand he looked up and said little moon you awake yes big moon I'm awake can you wake the others please he did. Hi uncles, big brothers Jess, Maxi and Blake. I hope I don't scare you all too much. You didn't we were just scared of you not waking up I hope nothing is really wrong other than your asthma. We love you let me call Yak and let him know you are awake Jess said okay thank you and please tell Yak thank you for bringing me to the hospital on time I was going to tell you tonight Uncle Hoppo about my asthma. Hi Blake, I'm sorry about your sister yes like Jess we have a sister/brother We always together if one is hurt the other 2 always help whoever was hurt or sick, they took care of them and stay by their slide until they were better or get well. Yes, we did still do.

Blake POV:
She remembers where we were little, and she always got hurt or sick or if Jess or I got hurt or sick we were always by each other slide until we were well or better. Here the Dr. Hi I'm Dr. Cullen Your blood test come back fine it was just you was tired from the plane ride of from Japan okay thank you Dr. Cullen When can I leave he said if someone come and sign the paper you can leave okay I go I told everyone I did, and we left I gave Moon my number if she needs to talk or need help just give me a call or text me. We need to tell Yak she is going home. Hoppo did.

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