Chapter #132

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Star POV:
I look at Jeff ankle I think you may have broken it I would go to the hospital. Okay thank you star can you call an Ambo please. Yes, I see black.

Jeff POV:
I may have broken my Ankle now I see star start felling I caught her before she fell and before she hit her head. Ouch I put my bad ankle down. Hey Guys Star pass out. Quinn runs down. Sh** she okay. Let get you off your foot. The Ambo is on its way. Star still out. let me radio Hoppo up. Yak said.

Central to Hoppo
Can you come up to the tower jeff hurt his ankle and Star pass out.

Hoppo to Central
Copy on my way.

Hoppo POV:
I walk over to the tower. I see jeff with ice on his foot and Star pass out next to him. I asked what happen? Star help me with my ankle was going to call an ambo then I see her to start to felling I caught her before she fell. Jeff said. Okay Star start to wake up. Hey Sweetie, you okay?

Star POV
Yes, I feel okay. What happen? You pass out after Helping Jeff. Oh, okay I'm sorry. It okay. I feel like I'm about have an asthma attack.

Quinn POV:
I heard what star said. The ambulance is here they took Jeff. I hear some wheezing. I turned to Angel. I see her turning blue. Hey I need help.  Yak runs down to help me.  I hope she okay. I don't see any chest movement. F**k she not breathing. Hoppo came back to the tower. I start to bag Angel. She is having a real bad asthma attack. check for a pulse please. There is a weak one. Sh** okay. I see Angel breathing. Hey sweetie you are at Bondi with Quinn, Yak, H-men and Hoppo. Hey guys. I'm okay now. I just felt sick and tired at the same time. Hey it okay. Can I lay in your office Uncle? Yes, let's get you to my office.

Angel POV:
Hey, I'm sorry for scaring you guys. It fine I hope Jeff is okay. I fell asleep.

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