Chapter #78

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Jess POV:
I'm in the tower now I hope Star is feeling better, I heard she had an asthma attack. I walk in and see Quinn and H I asked where is Star? They said In Hoppo office resting. Okay, thank you. Quinn said he be right back.

Quinn POV:
I went to Hoppo office to check on Star, she scared me in the tower. I knock on the door, Hoppo said come in. I asked how she's doing? She's doing better. She was so scared about the text. I know I have never seen her like this. I have to go back. I checked on her again. Okay, see you later.

Star POV:
We close the beach I walk back with Hoppo to have the cookout I asked can Koby and His brothers come too? I would Like to give them their gifts and we need to tell them about the text we can tell all of them at one time. Yes, they coming I already call Koby he and his brothers is coming. I happy I see Sunny first I going to tell everyone something before we eat and the gifts.

Everyone Please set Star need to tell us something before we eat.

Star:                                                                                                                                                                                             I got a text today it scared me bad you can Ask Night/H or Quinn. It say.

Unknown Number:
Be careful and watch out.

I don't you guys hurt I know you guys won't me hurt we need to be careful I can't lose any more people I care for.

You won't lose us we love you like a little sister/Niece.

Thank You everyone let eat I have gifts for everyone. Here you go. Thank You, Little sis We love them. You are welcome. I got some paint and some coloring books I love to color and make stuff. Thank You everyone.
Thank You everyone let eat I have gifts for everyone. Here you go. Thank You, Little sis We love them. You are welcome. I got some paint and some coloring books I love to color and make stuff. Thank You everyone.

A Neice Of A Lifeguard And Bra Boys.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu